How to stop eating junk in the office

How to stop eating junk in the office

I have already told you about Isabel Foxen Duke, an expert in the field of eating disorders who with her blog has helped many women to get out of the trap of nervous hunger and continue and improve their relationship with food and with themselves.

It is she who explains to us why the office becomes the tomb of our physical form. And four moves to overcome all the pitfalls that drive us to overeat at work.


  1. At work, you eat for stress

    The moments when I worked in the office coincided with those when I ate in a more disordered way. I kept anything in a desk drawer and ate it practically automatically.
    How to avoid all this? Simply by creating eating habits, appointments with food that take away the habit of eating continuously. 10 am? Coffee break, to which we can add cream instead of sugar. 11 o’clock? Small snack, as vegetable as possible, but sugary. An apple, even dehydrated and sliced, or a banana or 5 dates.

  2. You get tired, you run out and…. eat.

    If the work is very tiring, it is normal for an exaggerated hunger to start, for example when we leave the office or go home. In this case, it is useful to eat 2-3 cubes of extra-dark chocolate (the more bitter the better, this is the trick), while Isabel recommends that you take care of your sleep more and create “islands” of relaxation, for example yoga in the gym, manicure, even frivolous shopping. These are generally all things that distract the mind and jaws.

  3. Kill time and dead breaks with a snack.

    When you take a breath in the office you feel like you have nothing to do. Or you are doing a particularly boring job and would happily give you a boost with some cookies. Do something else. Use a stress ball, text, if possible try to listen to music or focus on things you need, for example on things to buy for your make-up, or some accessories or a hairstyle that might suit you better.

  4. The office depresses you and makes you feel trapped.

    We’ve all been there. Unless we do our dream job, we feel like we’re wasting our years, being in a can of tuna and rightfully wanting to escape, but the bills have to be paid. Job dissatisfaction is one of the traps that push us to eat more.
    Obviously, one does not come out of it by eating. You can think about what to prepare at home, but the ideal would be to plan a trip, a small trip, think of a place to go out for dinner one evening, think of a movie, escape with the mind, but not with the stomach. .

  5. What if we don’t make it?
    We can nibble on an unsweetened log of licorice (not if we have low blood pressure, though), or have tea or herbal tea when we get home. 

    Or again, a very light vegetable and fruit smoothie , which will give us the (right) impression of taking care of ourselves: blend a glass of sugar-free pineapple juice with a cucumber, half an orange and a scoop of lemon ice cream, or a glass of unsweetened rice milk with a fennel wedge, a teaspoon of honey and half a green apple. Pour everything into a large colored glass, and sip it in front of the window, sitting with your legs stretched out.

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