How to solve the problem of water retention?
I am 32 years old, I am 1.70 tall and I weigh 66 kg. I went to a nutritionist to lose weight up to 60 kg, many of these kilos are excess liquids, liquids that, despite the necessary precautions (lots of water, a little salt , draining fruit and even massages), I can’t lose! Why are the remedies totally ineffective? How is it possible?
Health Answers

Hi, it is necessary to understand the nature of its water retention, certainly it would be good to purify the liver with dandelion and birch extract, in this way it would eliminate toxins and therefore consequently an improvement in the function of all organs. Do light physical activity. If it still does not resolve, I recommend that you speak to your doctor for general clinical and thyroid tests. Have a good evening

Good morning dear, retention is an important symptom of a circulatory / lymphatic stasis and a prolonged toxin stagnation that involves many organs (intestine and liver as well as the circulatory system and the hormonal system.) The accumulated toxins derive mainly from nutrition and others. incorrect behaviors such as smoking, stress and a sedentary lifestyle. First of all, it is essential to evaluate which foods promote its retention by adopting a diet that provides for the rotation of foods. Retention, as you have seen, can have numerous causes of onset. It is therefore useful to understand the type of retention and act accordingly. All this requires an absolutely personal evaluation. I specify that, especially in women, the foods benefiting from their exclusion are milk and all its derivatives. Solanaceae in vegetables is certainly a dissociated regime. A visit to a good endocrinologist to rule out hormonal imbalances including thyroid is essential and review your diet. NB: Water does not always wash away water. It is necessary to understand why he holds her and how he drinks and what water. You can take a look at this publication “the food that goes through my head but that I don’t have on my plate. You can find it on amazon. Best regards, I remain available for any clarifications. Cinzia Zedda naturopath-expert in natural nutrition It is necessary to understand why he holds her and how he drinks and what water. You can take a look at this publication “the food that goes through my head but that I don’t have on my plate. You can find it on amazon. Best regards, I remain available for any clarifications. Cinzia Zedda naturopath-expert in natural nutrition It is necessary to understand why he holds her and how he drinks and what water. You can take a look at this publication “the food that goes through my head but that I don’t have on my plate. You can find it on amazon. Best regards, I remain available for any clarifications. Cinzia Zedda naturopath-expert in natural nutrition

A very trivial but effective advice. After light physical activity and at the end of the day, with the coccyx close to the baseboard, snug at the corner, leave the legs up, against the wall, the knees spreading apart, opening the legs slightly outwards, while the feet are neighbors. Another simple but very useful tip: getting up on your toes whenever possible, this greatly helps venous return and stimulates circulation.
Hi, as the people who preceded me have already amply answered you, there are several tips that are useful and can help you. As for me, I want to give you a different view that takes into consideration the mental-emotional aspect of water retention. According to some theories, the biological brain, which is the one that drives all the automatic regulation mechanisms of the body, including the retaining or expelling excess fluids, in case of water retention could have memorized an event experienced and known as “refugee conflict” and consequently having adapted the biology of the body to survive this conflict. What is the refugee conflict? It is a conflict in which we felt, suppur for a moment, lost. AND’ as if we had lost our usual points of reference. There is the possibility of having felt alone and abandoned to themselves (to an unusual destiny) and struggling to be able to “survive”. Often the person says: “I felt like a fish out of water” “I felt / or alone / or abandoned / or” “I lost everything” “I lost all my points of reference” “I have to fight for my existence “In all these cases, the biological brain orders the renal collecting tubules to reabsorb water from the urine and keep it circulating. WHY ? AND’ a biological program that nature predicted about 300 million years ago when we were aquatic organisms and it happened every now and then to be left stranded on dry land with the risk of dying dehydrated under the effect of heat and sun that evaporate liquids. In this way, by increasing the amount of water inside the body, the chances of survival increased ………….. the tide rose again as the hours passed … …….. and that being beached, was dragged back into the water (in its habitat). SOLUTION If you find yourself experiencing or having experienced one of the phrases written above and which are related to the Refugee Conflict, you need to go to work more deeply otherwise, all the symptoms you will assume will have a momentary effect. You can work with it with Bach Flowers, EFT, Emotional Balance or any quantum-energy psychology technique. In the hope of having been helpful, Good resolution. Rolando
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