How to relieve the pain of fibromyalgia?
I am 58 years old and have been suffering from fibromyalgia syndrome for 40 years, as far as I have been able to ascertain, but I believe I was born with this disease already. I suppose it is inherited because my uncle had the same ailments as mine that no doctor could cure, but it did not evolve. Instead, I started to contact doctors as soon as I reached the age of reason: first for severe headaches that I have suffered since I was 7, then for other pains that appeared as time passed, without resolving. Then the headache became chronic, currently 15 years old, and it is resistant to drugs. Then other pains became chronic. A few years ago, I had 1 stroke of genius and I had 1 rheumatological visit, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I inquired on the internet and when I read what it was I put my hands in my hair, as they say, the world collapsed on me. It is an incurable disease because it is little known. To date it has spread throughout the body, I had to leave my job, and I am not able to do much, also because I have many other diseases including some chronic and degenerative ones, and osteoarthritis of both feet. associating foot and leg pains I can hardly walk around the house. Furthermore, being diabetic I already find myself with 1 second stage renal insufficiency and I cannot take anti-inflammatories. In short, it’s all 1 whirlwind ride: the stress of pain drives up diabetes, high diabetes leads to kidney failure. What do you recommend? I would not want evening teas since fibromyalgia does not make you sleep, then if I fill my belly with water, I wake up many times to go to the bathroom and go back to sleep is 1 problem. Thank you. Antonietta EP
Health Answers
Dear Madam, have you ever consulted a physician experienced in natural medicines? There are many possibilities in that field, from homeopathy to the use of specific supplements. Furthermore, local infiltrations often have a good effect with homeopathic and homotoxicological cocktails. All the possibilities I have spoken to you are free from side effects if carried out by expert hands and compatible with the pathology and drugs that I infer you are taking. Find out if there are doctors in the city where you live who provide such therapies. I cannot tell you more because natural therapies have protocols that must be adapted to people and are not the same for everyone. I hope you will soon find someone who can solve or at least mitigate her problems.

Dear Antonietta, you must know that chronic and progressively disabling health problems must often be referred to inharmonious energetic situations that come from very far away. Only a work on its global energetic component (even of karmic origin) can eliminate the evident blocks and help medical treatments which of course must never be interrupted. I advise you to approach a valid REIKI operator, whom you will surely find in her city, because REIKI is the most natural and holistic practice that exists and which can help you eliminate those blocks that cause all your problems including insomnia. If you decide to start (if you are unfamiliar with REIKI, read all the articles by us operators here on natural cures) keep in mind that during the first sessions, given your difficult situation, you will find yourself having a healing crisis during which your problems will increase for a week / two weeks and then progressively improve. I wish you well, hoping to have been useful to you. Loretta Loiacono
We must find the matrix of the cause, otherwise it is all useless, this is just my thought. You can reflect on what I will tell you: the problem is that life for you is probably very heavy to the point that you can no longer bear this enormous weight. This can be a beginning, then you have to act directly on the perception of her but always in a natural way as nature commands. I hope I have triggered something positive in her and I wish her a happy life.
Dear Madam, Fibromyalgia is a chronic autoimmune disease. This type of disease is very painful and difficult to accept and it is therefore very important to support the pharmacological treatment with a mental health expert, as in this type of disease the emotional and mental components are certainly decisive. If you want to learn more, you can visit my website, a few days ago I wrote an article about autoimmune diseases. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you think my professionalism can help you. With regard,
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