How to reactivate the metabolism: the guide

How to reactivate the metabolism: the guide

How to reactivate the metabolism, or be able to increase it if we believe we have a slow metabolism?

This article represents a complete guide to reactivating the metabolism with a dietary approach, habits and lifestyle in the light of recent scientific research.


Don’t drastically cut calories
If you’re on a calorie restricted diet, your metabolism slows down.

Some studies have evaluated the effects of calorie restriction on metabolism , placing volunteers in a metabolic chamber before and after a diet with 500/600 calories less than their needs. It has been seen that there is a reduction in metabolism of 6-7% in particular with regard to the body’s ability to burn calories while resting or sleeping.
This slowdown is not progressive: another study found that after 11 years of calorie restriction (30 percent fewer calories), overall metabolism was reduced by 13 percent.

On the one hand, to lose weight, it is necessary to create a calorie deficit, on the other hand it is necessary to set the right deficit and above all to take breaks from the diet.
Some studies ( Fuller et alii ) have proposed an interval diet model in order not to slow down the metabolism if you want to lose weight. It was found that those who followed this advice were able to lose weight without affecting the metabolism. And above all not to take it back. So there are 2 ways to not slow down your metabolism too much if you are on a diet.

Take breaks from the diet

Stay on a diet for two weeks and eat two weeks of normal nutrition (interval diet).

Set the deficit on more physical activity, than food

Try to burn more by exercising daily. On the one hand, with at least 3 resistance training sessions, i.e. using weights, on the other by planning walks.

However, the best thing to reactivate the metabolism is NOT to do a low-calorie diet.

The reduction in metabolism is a consequence of the reduction in calories, which has an impact on T3, the active thyroid hormone.

There are no tricks to reactivate the metabolism if the calories are low.
If you have a slow metabolism and eat very little because you have been on a diet too much, the solution is to increase the calories a little at a time, usually starting from carbohydrates. For example, increasing our calorie intake by 50 or 100 calories per week.

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