How to manage to lose weight in half an hour a day

How to manage to lose weight in half an hour a day


How to manage to lose weight if you have so many jobs to do, if you are stressed, if you do not have the time and desire to do a real diet? Today we try to understand how to manage to lose weight using only half an hour a day of your time.
The advice is to carve out this half hour every day and, above all, make it a good habit until the desired weight is lost.
In fact, in this half hour there are three strategies to be implemented: stimulate the metabolism, burn calories, cut excesses. And it all works as long as you don’t leave out any of these three things. Let’s see them point by point.


First strategy: the metabolic breath
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How we burn energy and burn energy throughout the day is affected by our breathing. An element often underestimated by us Westerners, which is instead taken into great consideration in the East.
In fact, we lose body fat just by breathing. 

Breathing in a certain way allows us to better oxygenate the tissues, promote good blood circulation, reduce intestinal swelling and stimulate abdominal toning, reduce stress.

So let’s start our weight loss half hour by doing these short metabolic breathing exercises, sitting in a relaxed position on the chair, sofa or bed.

  • We inhale with the nose for 5 seconds and try to start the breath from the abdomen, which therefore must swell.
  • We hold our breath for at least 4 seconds.
  • We exhale with the nose starting from the abdomen for 8 seconds: the sensation is that of deflating the abdomen and then throwing air from the lungs only afterwards.
  • We hold our breath for 4 seconds.
  • We repeat 3 more times.
    We must do this exercise in the morning before breakfast, before lunch and before dinner. Total 3 minutes.

Second strategy: the tabata to burn calories


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The Tabata technique is a short, intense workout that we can do for 20 minutes a day like this.
We choose ten exercises each day from these 4 groups, selecting two per group.
Each exercise should be done for 20 seconds (count slowly to 20) at your maximum speed and with 10 seconds of rest for a total of 4 sets per exercise. So you have to do that same exercise 4 times. Then move on to the next.
Click on the links to see the execution.

  • First group, choose two: push-ups, burpees, plank with arm raises , arm scissors , plank with shoulder touch , sit-outs , overhead punches. circular rotation of the arms .
  • Second group, choose two: jump squats , jumping jacks , side kicks , step-jacks ,  climbers , superman, knee-raised running, dynamic squat.
  • Third group, choose two: crunches , twists, sit-ups, horizontal kicks , butt-ups, rotating plank , left side bridge, right side bridge, toe-taps .
  • Fourth group, choose two: full ground bridge , toe-tap hops , step-up lunges , reverse lunges , side-to-side lunges , ground bridge, bike.

Third strategy: food planning
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Aside from snacks, for which you can choose a 125 gram low-fat yogurt, a fruit of your choice or vegetables of your choice (carrots, celery, fennel, cucumbers), for breakfast, lunch and dinner you must choose a food from each of these three groups.
So in all three foods per meal.

IMPORTANT. You then have to write down your choices in the morning so that you know exactly what you will eat that day. For the first group alone, foods double for men.

  • First group: 150 grams of white Greek skimmed yogurt, 125 grams of soy yogurt, 120 grams of egg whites, one large egg, 100 grams of cottage cheese, 250 ml of skim milk, one hundred grams of chicken or turkey breast, 80 grams of bresaola or cooked ham, 100 grams of drained boiled legumes, one hundred grams of plaice or sea bream or natural tuna, 120 grams of octopus or shrimp, one hundred grams of natural tofu, 90 grams of light ricotta, one hundred grams of slice of veal, 70 grams of smoked salmon.
  • Second group: 18 grams of dark chocolate, a teaspoon of Nutella, two teaspoons of mayonnaise, two level teaspoons of oil, a teaspoon of pesto and one of oil, 15 grams of almonds or pistachios, 15 grams of butter, two teaspoons of seeds of chia, 70 grams of avocado.
  • Third group : 4 rice or corn cakes, 50 grams of wholemeal bread, 4 wasa slices, 130 grams of potatoes weighed from raw and without peel, 35 grams of oat flakes or wholemeal flour, 30 grams of puffed breakfast cereals, 40 grams of oriental rice or soy noodles.
    To these groups you can add free vegetables, lemon juice, spices, herbs, tea, coffee, herbal tea, stevia or sweeteners. Make your plan every morning.
    Or do it in the evening for the next day. It won’t take you more than 5 minutes.
    For maintenance you can vary the second group with 60 grams of rice or pasta three times a week and indulge in one jolly meal a week. 

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