How to make dietary carbohydrates?

How to make dietary carbohydrates?

I have already explained that carbohydrates are essential to our metabolism in several articles.
They are not necessary for survival, they are necessary to have a good metabolism, or to live above the level of survival; that is, in health .
From this point of view, carbohydrates are indeed essential
But after decades of demonizing fats with various low fat diets, in the last twenty years the sworn enemy of diets has been carbohydrates, both complex and simple.

This, quite rightly, has made many people fear a dish of pasta much more than a flu.
If my insulin spikes every time I eat carbohydrates, wouldn’t it be better to avoid them altogether?

Well, you’d be amazed to know that even those on a carb-free diet other than a little green leafy vegetables have high insulin. And the tendency to have the same insulin spikes as a person who eats pasta on a daily basis according to a long-term study.
And you would be amazed to know that it is not only insulin that is responsible for the way in which the body converts energy into fat ( click here to read more ).

But let’s say, despite my assurances, you are still afraid to eat carbohydrates.
We’ll need this article from dietician  Katherine Brooking , who in the Huffington Post lists simple tips for making dietary carbohydrates.


  1. Let’s start with the pasta. How to make diet pasta?
    Pasta is not really a refined food, but it is a combination of water and durum wheat. A plate of “white” pasta al dente is already dietary in its own right, especially if we do not exceed 80 grams. If you want to avoid getting fat, then eye dishes of half pasta (al dente) and half vegetables to lower the glycemic load. Also try to switch to different and more protein varieties. For example, hemp pennette, Senatore Cappelli durum wheat pasta and buckwheat pasta are good.
  2. How to make diet bread?
    Here the integral beats the refined, of course. If you don’t like wholemeal, even traditional durum wheat semolina bread is much healthier than a soft sandwich or michetta.
    And on the wholemeal, choose well: the bread must not be light, but very dark, dense in texture and flavor and easier to perish.
    Finally, you can buy more to freeze it: thawed, it has a lower glycemic index.
  3. How to make diet potatoes?
    Do not eat them fried, especially if you use vegetable oils instead of extra virgin olive oil. The best thing is to eat them boiled, then chilled in the fridge, like potato salad.
    They are the most filling food of all and have a lower glycemic index when cooked like this.
    If, on the other hand, we want them baked, we opt for those with red skin, less starchy, and if we want them fried, let’s “fry” them for 4-5 minutes in a few tablespoons of coconut oil in a pan, then continue cooking in the oven.

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