How to lower blood pressure in 4 steps

How to lower blood pressure in 4 steps

High pressure? As we know, hypertension plays an important role in the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, and in particular in the risk of developing atheromatous plaques. Kidney function is also at risk of being compromised.

In this article we see how to lower blood pressure naturally , with 4 tips that we can effortlessly integrate into our life, and that can be useful to all people who have hypertension problems and want to keep it harmlessly low.


  1. Reduce the consumption of too salty foods.
    One of the advice that is often given to those suffering from hypertension is to cut the salt completely, but personally I do not find it useful, if anything stressful, especially if you eliminate the salt completely.
    The complete elimination of salt is in fact associated with a greater risk of death from cardiovascular events, while its reduction to 5/6 grams per day is a safe method to treat hypertension. Therefore it would be enough to reduce salty foods on the surface and excessively salty, such as very aged cheeses and cured meats, and reduce the added salt in dishes to a pinch, adding aromatic spices and herbs to offset the taste. But don’t eliminate it from every food. Similarly, some foods should be avoided if we eat out: Chinese cuisine is rich in sodium, many industrial preparations typical of fast food chains are, sushi and sashimi can be consumed by reducing soy sauce.
  2. Avoid Stress.
    Stress and hypertension are closely related. Those suffering from hypertension must reduce all forms of stress, slow down the daily rhythms as much as possible, rest more, avoid conflicts.
  3. Increase your potassium consumption through diet.
    Consuming potatoes, bananas, mangoes, apricots and fruit in general, skim milk, leafy or green vegetables, allows us to keep potassium consumption high through our diet, which counteracts and regulates the action of sodium.
  4. Consume certain types of fats.
    Monounsaturated fats are related to a lower risk of hypertension. Green light for a drizzle of raw olive oil on the dishes.

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