How to lose weight right before the holidays

How to lose weight right before the holidays

Curvy-girls-bikini-retro-styleSo many people would like to lose weight quickly when, having arrived in July and with the holidays in August that peep out, they still don’t feel up to the costume test. The various attempts to go on a diet have given way to a series of frustrations, and the aperitifs and a few dinners out have ended up returning the balance to the starting weight . If you see yourself in this picture, do not despair, you are not alone, and according to Dr.  Amanda K. Foti , dietician, if the goal is to get back in shape immediately even a single week can be precious before the fateful bikini.
Here are her tips for losing weight right away in just one week before the holidays!

1) Eat 5 small meals a day with lean proteins, fruits and vegetables. For example:
breakfast with Greek yogurt, ripe fruit pieces, coffee or tea
second meal in the middle of the day with a skim or vegetable milk shake + a banana third meal for lunch with a salad of natural tuna, lettuce, cherry tomatoes and olives + one slice of melon fourth meal with raw carrots and 2 tablespoons of hummus fifth meal with grilled chicken breast, sautéed vegetables with a little oil, a sugar-free pineapple juice 2) Limit yourself to fruit for carbohydrates and sugars, but no bread and pasta for a week, no sugar and no alcohol. 3) Drink water betwe

4) For a week increase sports activities: walk more, exercise every day even for half an hour, stand as long as you can.
5) Avoid sweeteners, and eat natural foods as much as possible (no light flakes or similar)

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