How to lose weight? Interview with Dr. Oliva

How to lose weight? Interview with Dr. Oliva

700-waist-body-beauty-abs-slim-stomachFor many people, going on a diet with the aim of losing weight does not mean going down one path, but trying many, nine times out of ten to the detriment of their health. When we do this, we can be able to lose weight, but the results are not lasting and often our body rebels with a series of symptoms, including hunger pangs, resistance to weight loss, tendency to regain the lost pounds with little. This is because we lose sight of ourselves: only by aiming for our well-being can we achieve definitive weight loss.

So how to lose weight in a healthy way? Dr. Luigi Oliva , a nutritionist, explains this to us, who together with a group of specialists created the Medical Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Obesity and Eating Disorders in Mestre (Venice), a highly specialized center where they also offer “remote” solutions for those who want to lose weight in health. I became aware of their Center through their facebook page, What diet? , where you can find valuable food for thought for those looking to lose weight and want to feel better in their body. Let’s see with this interview to find out more . And if that weren’t enough, this is the site: , while those who want to learn more about some problems related to obesity can look at the dedicated portal,

1) Can you briefly describe what your Center does, and what services do you offer to people who want to lose weight?
Ours, according to the appropriateness criteria indicated by the Ministry of Health, is a highly specialized dietary center.
The strength of the center is represented by the study of the basal metabolysis by indirect calorimetry; in the last 15 years we have followed about 9000 people and developed personalized diet programs thanks to the use of this study. In fact, the diet
must ensure a caloric intake at least equal to the basal metabolism to ensure healthy weight loss and avoid the recovery of lost pounds. 

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