How to lose weight? Find out what type you are!
How to lose weight? A personalized approach is undoubtedly the most effective method to stay in shape, but the blunders we make to lose weight make our situation very similar to that of other people, at least in the starting physical conditions. For example, there are those who make a thousand diets in order to lose a single, fateful size, those who cling to the oscillations of the balance and also count water, those who are unable to diet and eat as it happens, those who stress hours at the gym and eliminated various foods.
If for each of us this or that example is more suitable, it is impossible to think of a solution that works for everyone. We cannot, for example, believe that the same diet can be good for those who have to lose three kilos and are already on a perennial diet and for those who must lose 50 and cannot eat less.
Then let’s try these tips that are specially tailored to our weight loss habits and needs.
A) Skinny fat: by skinny fat we mean that person who
1) is always on a diet and exercises badly (like he only does cardio, avoids heavy loads in the gym) 2) has a low or normal BMI (so it does not weigh much) 3) has a slowed metabolism and the presence of visceral fat, with a rounded and slack abdomen 4) does not have good muscle tone because it has little lean mass (and is afraid of putting on muscle ) How to lose weight if you are skinny fat? Do some tests on the accumulations of fat and on the starting body composition, for example with a dexa. Build muscle: rely on an experienced personal trainer for an endurance program associated with the right cardio
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