How to lose weight easily with this invention!

How to lose weight easily with this invention!

Most people who want to diet would get better results if they learned how to dose and eat less.
In fact, one of the reasons why people tend to get fat is that they underestimate how much they eat, therefore they also underestimate the calories they introduce with food.

But how to lose weight easily without dieting and learning to moderate yourself?
There are many techniques.

  • The technique of the ideal dish .
  • The hand method for portion control.
  • The glass diet or  the fork diet .

The problem is that you have to apply for a moment, of course.
Make an eye on the new portions, learn to correctly visualize the food on your plate so as not to overdo it, remember the rules and so on.

But today there is a novelty, a small invention that allows us to lose weight easily and effortlessly.

It’s called “ Portions Master ” and it’s a plate-shaped grill invented by Mike Caron, who has lost many kilos thanks to his very simple invention. Let’s see what it’s about.

How to lose weight with the Portions Master?

This grill is placed on a plate, and has a space for carbohydrates (bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, cereals but also fruit), a space for proteins (meat, fish, legumes, eggs, tofu, seitan, yogurt or cottage cheese) and one for vegetables.
Dry or raw foods that are eaten cooked must be put cooked, so the rice or meat must be cooked and then the grill is used.

The seasonings are obviously separate, but it is advisable to keep to a teaspoon of oil per meal.

The portions master works like this.

Choose the target weight you want to achieve.
Based on that you will choose your grill. The lightest weight you can get to with the Portions Master is 57 pounds.
However, if you come from a weight of 100 kilos or 90 kilos, buy the intermediate portion master first, for example the one for 77 kilos. Don’t take the minor right away. If, on the other hand, you weigh 75 kilos and want to reach 57 kilos, take the 57 kilos immediately.

Snacks are separate, but it is recommended to limit them to a fat-free Greek yogurt and a portion of fruit, while Portions Master is used for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
I find it a smart idea for those who wonder how to lose weight and do not want particular regimes, suitable for those who would like to follow a diet but cannot and end up eating disorderly, and in particular for those who have a lot of weight to lose.
It is also useful for those who have already reached a certain weight and want to keep it.

You can also find it in Italy, thanks to Amazon, in 3 or 4 formats.
The price ranges from 14 to 32 euros.

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