How to lose weight by eating on vacation

How to lose weight by eating on vacation

For this year, do not change the same beach, the same sea, but the diet does.
The problem with holidays is that often, in fact, they favor the accumulation of weight, between gargantuan meals, being relaxed, the sea or walks and a hunger that knows no rest.

To then find himself having gained five kg, and from September at the start with the registrations in the gym.
Do you really want to go hungry first and then start eating anything on vacation, throwing away any effort?
Pass the holiday climate, relaxation away from the scales, but do not overdo it . After the guilt-free aperitif and the
guilt -free dinner out , let’s see how to lose weight by eating on vacation, or how to keep fit after making so many sacrifices.


  1. Hydrate yourself .

    Don’t forget to drink a lot, especially if you eat a lot. It is the best way to digest what you are eating.

  2. Bet on protein. 

    I’m generalizing, but obviously grilled fish is better than pizza frequently.
    This doesn’t mean demonizing pizza, but let’s think about it for a moment. If we are away from home, we cannot control the calories of what we eat, even using an app. The apps give an estimate that for cooked and ready-made products is very vague. However, if I have no idea how many calories I am ingesting, I can gain weight more easily even if I have the impression of eating little.
    One trick to overcome this hurdle is to focus on a protein-based food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. For example, I choose a cup of yogurt for breakfast, a grilled meat or an omelette for lunch and fish for dinner.

    Clearly I’m not saying to just eat these things but to focus on these foods and then add a little something. After the yogurt we can eat a croissant or fruit.
    With the omelette, a mixed salad or a light cocktail. A nice fruit ice cream for dinner with baked or grilled fish.

    But if we don’t use this trick, it’s easier to fall prey to what happens.
    With the result that maybe the pasta dish or the sandwich filled with lunch contain three times the calories of the same foods cooked at home.
    Then it clearly depends on the type of holiday. If we take a place with a kitchen, if we eat out.

  3. If you really want to eat dessert, let it be the only sugar in the meal.

    If you want dessert, eat it at the end of a meal, but let it be the only source of sugars / carbohydrates: so yes to proteins, fruit and vegetables, and a dessert at the end of the meal. Or if you eat a typical dish that already contains carbohydrates, give up the dessert immediately afterwards.

  4.  No sugary drinks and alcohol wherever possible .

    Ok to sugar-free fruit juices (pineapple is almost always sugar-free), wine, water. Limit your consumption of spirits, beer and cocktails.

  5. Get moving.

    Summer is the best time to move. Walk, swim, go dancing. Don’t make it just a gastronomic occasion.

  6. On vacation, it is better to eat little but often than to overeat.

    The binge at once gives kilos, indigestion, retention, kilos (I know, I’ve already said that). Eat little but often, especially if you are walking or hiking, it is a way to immediately burn what you eat.

  7. The classic last but not least: aim for quality.

    It’s okay that you’re on vacation and hunger comes every minute, but gluttony can also be harmless if done right. It is useless to binge on dishes that you can do very well at home and even better, what’s the taste?
    Better to taste a little of everything, but that it is of quality, focusing on fresh.
    A plate of oysters has never made anyone fat.

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