How to lose weight (and why you get fat)

How to lose weight (and why you get fat)

The Last Temptation of Rita MarieThere are some things that are never disclosed or elaborated on when it comes to body weight and extra pounds , but that anyone struggling with extra pounds should know before attempting a diet. In my opinion, those who want to lose weight improvise too much: they don’t know where to start, they think that all diets are the same and, worse, they are enchanted by the promise that by eating little and doing a lot of physical activity they will lose weight (an approach that in English they call ” eat less andexcercise more “). Which is also true, yes we are dieting for the first time in our life, but the point is that even this “calorie cutting” is done without a criterion, and so men who should lose weight find themselves on a 1500/1600 calorie diet, women who should lose weight a 1000/1200 calorie diet . Far too little. The result is that we then have a low metabolism, after the first results we no longer lose weight and no matter how hard we make it we regain it easily and lose it more and more with difficulty. This is because, as I have already said and repeated, our body does not respond to the second law of thermodynamics like a guinea pig in a laboratory . Our metabolism is adaptive, and this is something physicists and dieticians never take into account, with the result that the story of consuming more and eating less holds up to a point and has glaring exceptions.
So how do you go about losing weight? And why does he get fat?
The first thing to know is that to be able to understand why you get fat and how we can lose weight, you must NOT have preconceptions and you must NOT do your own thing, but get a lot of information about everything, cultivating the famous art of doubt. The second thing is that you need to know two or three studies that have come out in the last decade on obesity and the mechanism by which we gain weight. Here , here and here . 
Obesity is in fact an inflammatory response of the organism. What does it mean? In what sense is it inflammatory? If you scratch your hand, the skin becomes red and swollen. That is an inflammatory response caused by your immune system. Obesity is also an inflammatory response. In theory, those who eat too much due to the effect of hormones and the hypothalamus in particular should have less appetite. In theory, our body is calibrated to be in shape, not fatter (nor leaner). Yet there are definitely overweight people. This is a very important thing to understand if we have extra pounds and in particular an excess of body fat.
If you knew that fat is a consequence of your immune system, you would do nothing to weaken yourself even more. No one goes around in December in a bikini, and no doubt no one with the flu would go around in a bikini in December. If you are overweight, you have the flu and someone tells you that putting yourself on a strict, low-calorie diet (= going in a bikini in December) is the answer. Why believe him? The first thing to do to lose weight is therefore to treat yourself as a weakened person in the immune system. How?
1) Eat better, don’t eat less:the first thing to do if you want to lose weight is not to eat less, but to eat better. Anyone who is overweight should eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, not take supplements, take medications when strictly needed, avoid industry chemistry like the plague (so eat wholesome things as much as possible) and make sure at least one gram of protein per kilo. of body weight per day. How much you weigh, so many are your proteins in grams.
2) Eat everything. Avoid cutting out food categories. Point. The only key is to have your fill of macro and micronutrients. Anyone who eliminates carbohydrates or fats or some proteins and has overweight situations will fight with the extra pounds forever. The diet must be balanced.
3) Heal yourself: Overweight sufferers must go to the doctor, and if they have any health problems they should resolve it as soon as possible and to the best of their ability, even for the stupidest things. I know a lot of women with hormonal problems, who no longer have periods, who have a slew of allergies. Yet they don’t go to the doctor and try to solve the problem by going on a diet: a bit like they have a leg injured and beaten it. Our first goal is health: the more we take care of our health the more we will tend to lose weight. Metabolism is closely connected with the immune defenses. High metabolism = high immune defenses.
Any strategy to lose weight must not and cannot ignore these three things:if we are well fed and with no food shortage, if we eat everything and take care to cure our health problems, within a few months, our body will use what we eat as energy and will not accumulate extra pounds for defense. At this point, it is enough to simply move a little more to lose weight without any problem and only after the first few pounds lost to restrict the diet without exceeding, for example, 15% of our energy needs (which is equal to the calories of our metabolism TOTAL, not BASAL).

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