How to lose 3 kg in 5 moves
During the winter, between typical winter holidays and physical and mental laziness, people gain an average of 2-3 kilos each. Kilos that generally drag on even until the summer, because we hope and think that with a fast diet we could lose them, but it is not considered that without good habits (exercising, correcting your diet) the weight will regain itself, then with a new diet he partially rests, then he resumes with the interests.
My advice? Taking the bull by the horns, and not doing yet another diet, but completely revising your lifestyle. A choice that can be made at any age, and which, if it does not give us immediate benefits, allows us to build brick by brick a new path of well-being, less linked to dietary trends, but healthier: a balanced and nutritious diet. , without demonizing any food; a training program or any other activity not to be neglected at the first attack of poltronitis (and no, I did not say pneumonia).
Okay, I know, no lectures. So let’s see how to lose 3 kg in 5 moves, whether you think about it in summer or winter .
In winter:
1) detoxifying herbal teas (for example with ginger), green tea, matcha tea, oolong tea, hot water + lemon + honey, hot water + lemon, hot water + lemon + honey + ginger: here are some of the most popular combinations and the best choices between teas and herbal teas to drink something hot but also preparatory to weight loss. Drinks that stimulate diuresis, reduce the sense of hunger and the desire for sweet, have antioxidant benefits.
2) soups as a substitute meal:vegetable soups can be a great ally to lose weight, because they easily allow you to fall within the predetermined calories. There are two but big as houses: calories are not everything in the diet; the soups swell us, due to the mix of boiled vegetables that dissolve their mineral salts in the water, giving a momentary abdominal swelling. However, it is possible to cook the soups by putting the chosen vegetables in a pan with a spoonful of oil and spices and blending them after cooking with a hot liquid of your choice. 3) go out in the fresh air: taking a walk is as important in summer as in winter. In winter, it helps to stimulate thermogenesis, if we don’t pack up like so many snowmen. 4) eat porridge for breakfast
5) use chilli: eating spicy is another great way to stimulate thermogenesis and immediately burn more calories.
Let’s now see the 5 moves for spring / summer on PAGE 2 . Oh my God, it sounds like fashion week, but that’s okay, follow me
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