How to learn English for free online with WhatsApp

How to learn English for free online with WhatsApp

learn English for free online with WhatsApp

Whatever your job or your life, today you can’t help but speak English. Studying a foreign language allows you to increase your earnings, find new jobs and new friends, travel without difficulty and many other advantages. The problem is that often it is not the time to take an English course, or the courses in the city are really boring, so forget it. But there is something new: it is now possible to learn English for free online with WhatsApp , as suggested by Professor Philip Haines of Oxford University.

Professor Haines has no doubts: you can learn English with WhatsApp, you just need to know how to use it correctly. So he suggested these  6 ideas to study English online with WhatsApp in a simple, comfortable and fun way. The 6 ideas are suitable for both beginners and those with an intermediate or advanced level of English. The important thing is to regulate yourself well on your level.

How to learn English for free with WhatsApp

Ready to start your online English course on WhatsApp? Well, you just need a mobile phone connected to the Internet and a friend who is in the same situation as you: the need to learn English quickly and without spending thousands of euros for an advanced course.

NB If you don’t have a friend who wants to learn English, try putting a post on facebook and ask if any of your contacts like you need to improve their English. Or, search the internet for “forums for learning English” and ask if anyone would like to take lessons with you on WhatsApp.

Here are the 6 ways to learn English with WhatsApp:

  1. Do an audio interview

Your friend must record any question for you in English and send it to you via chat on WhatsApp. Start with the basic questions (like, for example: what color is your car?) And then move on to intermediate level questions (for example: how long have you been engaged?) And finally to the advanced level ones (example: explain to me how the political situation in your region is structured).

For a correct learning of the English language , the recipient of the message must:

  • listen and try to understand the question.
  • analyze if there are errors and if necessary correct them.
  • to answer the question.

On the other hand, whoever sends the first message must:

  • listen and try to understand the answer
  • if the answer is incorrect, correct it and send it back correct
  • check the use of vocabulary, structure and pronunciation

NB If in doubt, correct the sentence together.

  1. Share your daily life

How about sharing part of your day with your English study partner? Both audio notes and messages can be used.

For example, in the morning you send an audio note in English with the 4 most important things you will need to do. Then, during the day, take 3 or 4 photos with a description in English. Finally, in the evening, a small summary of the 2 most beautiful things and the 2 worst things of the day.

Tips for learning English faster:

  • try not to repeat the same verbs
  • focus on daily actions such as “cutting your hair”, “studying with friends”, “cooking pasta”, etc.
  • talk about both past actions and future actions (this way you will strive to learn simple and irregular verbal expressions).
  1. Do the dictation

If you have ever tried to paraphrase a sentence from English, you will have noticed that the sentence structure is different from Italian. Use calls on WhatsApp to have a text dictate you (even read) and then verify the correctness of what you wrote.

To level up , have an English newspaper article or lecture text dictated.

Then, to reach the maximum level, he moves on to the dictation of scientific research and poetry.

Your job is to listen, understand, write and then send it all via WhatsApp message for checking. If you run into trouble with pronunciation, check out a good online dictionary.

  1. Write a short presentation

Think about a topic that interests you. Not necessarily something complicated. It can be what you do every day, a description of your family, or just talking about what you like and don’t like.

After choosing the topic, write a text that is not too short and send it for correction.

Then, think back to the topic and without looking at what you wrote, record a video trying to speak in English.

Two tips:

  • If you find it difficult at first, re-read the text several times.
  • Try to gradually introduce new words, new verbs and new structures.
  1. Describe a process or a feeling

When a student tries to describe a process in English , he often encounters difficulties with verbs and nouns. Imagine the number of processes for: making coffee, driving, turning on the computer or reading emails, etc. Simple to do, but difficult to describe in English. With practice, you will be able to learn a lot of vocabulary and structures.

Similarly, describe your feelings in English (happy, sad, tired, angry, etc.) and explain why you feel this way. This way you will learn a lot of unfamiliar words.

Send the description as a text message on WhatsApp or audio note, wait for the answer and talk to your fellow student.

  1. Describe the descent of a movie

Choose your favorite movie or series and tell the story to your fellow student via WhatsApp (audio or text note).

Since the topics are numerous, make an effort to always find new words for the description.

Does the whole plot of a TV series seem too much to you? You could distribute your lessons to learn English according to the different episodes, and make an appointment with the English lesson on WhatsApp every time the episode ends.

Do you want to know which of these is the best way to learn English? Use all these study techniques at the same time. That if a professor from a university as prestigious as Oxford says so, it can be trusted.

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