How to have a flat stomach during the holidays?

How to have a flat stomach during the holidays?

How to have a flat stomach during the holidays?
Think of Christmas, New Year, Epiphany, Carnival and Easter. If you are wondering what these holidays have in common, well, there are two things in common.
1) Which are parties
2) and therefore, we eat.

The same considerations that I am explaining here also apply to an invitation to a wedding, a cooking contest or one of those occasions when all hell will break loose in front of you.

Tables of food, kilometer-long aperitifs, lunches and dinners where already at the second course you have eaten the equivalent of a normal week, and you do not see the light outside the tunnel. But, even partly out of masochism, you keep eating.
On these occasions, getting out of it fast is impossible. Obviously, we can implement tricks to avoid gaining too much weight and gaining little weight or, for the most crafty, not gaining weight at all.

But of course, if we suffer from gastrointestinal upset, and as soon as we eat a little more, the belly swells out of proportion, these tips are easy, immediate and can really make a difference.


The general rules for having a flat stomach during the holidays, despite the table of food are as follows.

  • Avoid an excess of pasta and leavened products and reduce the consumption of carbohydrates, but also of foods loaded with water and / or easily fermentable. So don’t fill up on vegetables or water during the meal, and cut back on cakes, bread, pizzas or other leavened products. The following rules can really help you.
  • Do not drink too much water or wine during important meals: you lengthen digestion and intestinal fermentation times if they are sweet or fortified wines.
  • Limit alcohol to 1 glass of red wine – preferably dry.
  • Do not drink sparkling wines and any carbonated drinks.
  • Do not consume fruit, not even sweets or fruit-based preparations (strawberries with cream, fruit salad, cake with fruit) whether fresh or dehydrated after a meal in which you have already eaten carbohydrates and / or excess fat.

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