How to go about losing weight? With DNA!

How to go about losing weight? With DNA!

how to lose weightUp to one in two people with a tendency to overweight cannot lose weight for reasons related to genetics : this does not mean being condemned to obesity and extra pounds, but it simply means that when we talk about weight we must also take into account our peculiarities. difficulty losing weight, compared to our neighbor or our husband. The interaction between genes and genetic variations may play a key role in obesity, for example in the lack of particular receptors: a study in 2011 counted for example about 40 genetic variables that were linked to obesity. 
In short, if we have made all possible efforts, but we tend to gain weight or gain weight easily, compared to our friends and acquaintances, probably a genetic cause also exists in our fight against extra pounds. Not only that: with the passage of time, more or less from the second postwar period onwards, genes would have had more and more say in the matter than in the past on our body weight .

As if the lifestyle and diet variations of the modern era had affected the way we respond genetically .
This plausible idea, however, should not alarm us, or lead us to believe that it is impossible for us to lose weight.
But how do we go about losing weight if we suspect a genetic problem in our extra pounds?
The solution, or at least an attempt, is given to us by two doctors who are doing a lot of discussion these days for their theories on the relationship between obesity and genes: they are doctors Deepak Chopra and Rudy Tanzi . The first, known as a writer, is also a physicist; the second, a neurologist, heads the Genetics and Aging Research Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital. The two had already collaborated on a book, entitled “Super Brain”, but now they explain how to lose weight, and to live healthy, resetting or almost resetting our genetic tendencies.

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