How to get vitamin D from food
We know that vitamin D plays a key role in the immune system, also performing a hormonal function. We also know that low vitamin D levels are related to an increased risk of flu syndromes, and a recent study also found a correlation between low vitamin D levels and increased susceptibility to Covid-19. But how to get vitamin D from food and why worry about it?
Why it is important to get vitamin D from food
The easiest way to absorb Vitamin D is through sun exposure. therefore in the autumn and winter months the level of this vitamin in the blood tends to drop. However, there is another reason for taking vitamin D from food, and this reason is linked precisely to the coronavirus emergency. That is, in response to the lockdown period, a shortage can occur in many people.
Clearly, going out and exposing yourself to the sun during the hottest hours of the day would absorb more vitamin D. But at the same time we know that the outings outside the home are limited to emergency situations or necessities and the possibility of exercising outdoors.
What happens if we do not carry out physical activity outdoors, because we are afraid of contagion or because we are unsuitable for physical activity, especially considering the need or use of masks?
In that case we will not benefit as we should from the sun.
And therefore knowing how to correct vitamin D levels through diet is a way to avoid deficiencies.
Among the risks of vitamin D deficiency , in addition to those specified in the introduction, we have in fact: an alteration in calcium levels, higher concentrations of bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, tendency to gain weight.
One thing must also be said, and that is that there may be problems in the intestine that limit the absorption of vitamin D from the nutritional route. For this reason, it is good to prefer foods rich in bioavailable vitamin D, that is, vitamin D3. While vitamin D2, (largely coming from mushrooms and then from fruit and vegetables where it is present in traces), has poor bioavailability.
In fact, vitamin D is not one, it is a complex of types of vitamins (5) of which the most important are precisely 3 and 2.
Therefore, vegan people with vitamin D deficiency should consider supplementing cholecalciferol with their doctor. While those who are not vegan can simply take the foods that we will see in the list, naturally rich in cholecalciferol or vitamin D3.
Alternatively, breakfast cereals and some plant-based drinks often have vitamin D3 added.
There are three types of foods that are key to getting bioavailable vitamin D. And they are also easy to remember. Fish, eggs, dairy products.
Meat also contains vitamin D3, but in meat it is concentrated in fat, essentially.
Therefore I would not consider it one of the best options.
- For fish , the fish richest in vitamin D3 are salmon, mackerel, anchovies, tuna, carp, trout and swordfish. I always recommend alternating small fish with large ones.
Many people don’t buy fish because of its cost.
However anchovies and sardines have a low cost both fresh and preserved. In this last case it is good to prefer those preserved in olive oil, in fillets, in glass jars. Drain them well because the fish absorbs a lot of oil. You can use them to flavor pasta dishes with vegetables, for rustic pizzas, but also only on bread with a layer of butter.
Anchovies and butter are the perfect combo for getting more vitamin D3. - For eggs , it is in the yolk that we find vitamin D3.
In those who do not eat a lot of meat (for example nothing or only once a week) it is possible to eat even one egg a day without consequences for health, unless you have to follow a diet with a very low content of foods that have cholesterol for medical reasons . The yolk in fact contains many vitamins and mineral salts, for example it also contains vitamin E and choline. An average egg per day has only 64 calories. The yolk should be eaten soft, not overcooked.
So it’s better to focus on organic eggs and have them à la soft-boiled. Or if you have fresh eggs of controlled origin available, prepare a small eggnog with a milk or coffee base.
Fish roe also contains vitamin D3.
Lumpfish roe is cheap and tasty. - As for dairy products, butter is rich in vitamin D, but that’s not all.
It is a grave mistake to demonize him. 10 grams of butter provides about 70-75 calories, but also has vitamin A and fatty acids that are very important for intestinal health. The two vitamins compete for some processes, so a little more vitamin A if we aim to increase vitamin D with food is recommended.
A breakfast with a slice of wholemeal bread, a level spoonful of butter and a thin layer of jam is a great way to start the day. - Other foods that contain vitamin D3 are fatty, aged cheeses, such as Cheddar or Gouda (the latter also has vitamin K, which is very important together with D for calcium metabolism).
They contain to a lesser extent, so it is not exactly the food to focus on, but we can make a small snack based on cheese, introduce it in some dishes, and in this way give us further support.
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