How to get rid of cat pee smell naturally

How to get rid of cat pee smell naturally

In the long run, the bad smell of cat pee can impregnate the surfaces in contact. There are natural remedies to eliminate unpleasant odors on floors and fabrics and make your cat’s litter box last longer.

How to get rid of cat pee smell naturally

Cat pee , especially if the cat is male , has a really unpleasant and persistent smell: let’s see how to eliminate the smell of cat pee in a natural way .

How to get rid of cat pee smell

Cat pee has a particularly unpleasant, pungent and persistent odor, which is difficult to eliminate, especially in places where the cat usually goes to the toilet.

Completely eliminating the smell of pee of male cats inside the litter box is practically impossible: the cat litter in fact tends to absorb odors over time and, even if we regularly clean the litter box of our cat, after a few years we will have to replace it.

The needs that are made by the cat out of the litter box are different: if your four-legged friend has soiled carpets, sofas, beds or the like , not only is it possible to eliminate the smell of pee, even with natural remedies, but it is essential: eliminating the smell of pee is in fact necessary to prevent the cat from dirtying the same place again .

First, sprinkle the place where the cat has soiled with baking soda powder mixed with five drops of mint or malaleuca essential oil : the baking soda will absorb the pee from the fabric and, together with the essential oils , will help eliminate the odor.

After fifteen minutes, remove the baking soda and proceed with the normal washing of the fabric .

To wash non-removable sofas and seat padding, mattresses and carpets that cannot be put in the washing machine, consider the use of steam , an ecological and natural method to clean and sanitize fabrics thanks to high temperatures.

If after washing you still smell pee, try spraying a solution of water and vinegar : be careful not to apply vinegar on delicate fabrics, which could be damaged.

If, on the other hand, the pee has only soiled the floor , dry it and then wash the floor with water and vinegar so that the cat does not perceive the smell and is less likely to dirty in that place again.

Read also Cat fleas: natural remedies >>

Why does my cat dirty outside the litter box?

Normally cats learn to soil in the litter from an early age and, if sterilized, they almost never dirty in the house because they do not feel the need to mark the territory.

However, it may happen that in certain situations, the cat pees on carpets, sofas or mattresses : unfortunately the smell of cat’s pee from fabrics is particularly unpleasant and persistent and the cat tends to be recidivist and continue to go to the same place. , making cleaning attempts in vain .

So first you need to understand why the cat goes to the toilet outside the litter box : it generally happens when the cat is stressed . For example, if you have recently moved, if a new pet has arrived in the house, if you have moved the food or the litter box, if you have changed the type of litter box or if the litter box is dirty, the cat can express his disappointment by going to the needs where he does not. should .

So try to find out the reason for the cat’s discomfort and restore the animal’s well-being . If the cat is not neutered it is very likely that they will dirty in the house and it is difficult to solve, if not through neutering .

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