How to gain lean mass and lose fat?

How to gain lean mass and lose fat?

How to gain lean mass and lose fat? Can the two be achieved at the same time? There are some cases where this is possible: in someone who is sedentary and has a lot of weight to lose, fat loss and muscle gain go hand in hand . The body builds muscle and at the same time there is a loss of body fat, so in general we talk about weight loss. In trained subjects it is a bit different: they often have a few kilos to lose thanks to a more active and healthy lifestyle that they have been carrying on for years, or they divide their diet into a period of high-calorie nutrition (usually in winter) and a period of low-calorie diet (usually in summer).

But the beginner who wants to look better and understand how to gain lean mass and lose fat at the same time while not having as many pounds to lose as in the first case? Here are some tips:
– do a low-calorie diet, but not drastic. Muscles obviously need nourishment, and therefore calories. If we eat too restrictive a diet, it will be impossible to achieve this result. Therefore, the best thing is to reduce the calories a little, but not too much. Once we have determined what our daily caloric needs are, take a maximum of 200 calories from our daily diet. – do weights: at least three workouts per week must include weights

, namely dumbbells and barbells. The best exercises to increase lean mass and reduce fat are those that involve the whole body or several muscle groups. So let’s focus on squats, deadlifts, chin ups, pull ups or rowing or lat-machines, jumps, and some crossfit exercises can help us, such as the wall ball (exercises with a ball of a different weight, called ball), or the power clean. But be warned: weight training doesn’t have to be exhausting, but short, as we’ve cut calories a bit. Let’s avoid getting too tired, it means getting less results. Instead we aim to lift more weight with fewer repetitions of the same exercise.
– do hiit:a great way to boost your metabolism on days when we don’t train with weights. Short bodyweight exercise sessions, but performed in speed, with a few seconds of breath and an overall time of 10-15 minutes for training. They can also be done at home, they are more effective than cardio . So no running, no exercise bikes, no hours on the treadmill. We want to gain muscle mass and lose fat, not throw away the work we do with weights. The hiit is perfect in this respect, and allows us to get rid of body fat faster. It also allows us to burn more calories when we’re not exercising. Maximum two or three times a week are ideal.
– eat carbohydrates yes, but close to training:before and after workouts, we can introduce carbohydrates, while the rest of the time we can eat protein foods with vegetables and some fat. A fruit half an hour before training (both in the case of the gym and with HIIT at home) and a meal with carbohydrates and proteins after training (pasta with tuna, fish with potatoes, or a plate of legumes followed by a fruit) allow the body to use those sugars not only for energy but also for muscle and therefore allow us to maintain a good metabolism, which is necessary if we want to have a good lean mass.
Even an extra coffee half an hour before our workouts allows us to burn more, and better. 
– more protein:if our goal is to maintain or gain lean mass, we need a little more protein. Overdoing it doesn’t make sense, but we can use a Greek yogurt for breakfast and make an egg white omelet with a little fruit, for example.
– more rest: sleep, sleep, sleep. A way to reduce stress, promote metabolism and muscle growth, promote weight loss in the right places – don’t underestimate this aspect because it is important.

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