How to firm your buttocks at home in minutes

How to firm your buttocks at home in minutes

More toned, formed, sculpted buttocks? I’ll give you the good news right away: it only takes a few minutes to firm up the buttocks and tone them, or make them more rounded and protruding. And we can do it with a workout even to do at home. The only problem is figuring out how to do the exercises, a problem that 99% of people, especially women, are wrong about.

Furthermore, we must distinguish what is in fashion from what really works to train the buttocks. For example, hip trust is an exercise that is becoming very fashionable in gyms in recent years. I was in the gyms that I attended one of the first to recommend it to coaches, starting from Bret Contreras’ studies.
But the use of heavy weights on the pelvis, the fact that many people perform it holding the back incorrectly, etc., make this exercise a double-edged sword.
When it would be enough to learn the classic ground bridge exercise well to get immediate results and without risking getting hurt.

And what about the squat? Often it is performed poorly, because before working on the flexibility of the legs and hips, which are essential for lowering correctly, they often teach half squats and always add loads on the back, with the result that people do not get results, because if not they know how to lower themselves, to get up they will leverage their quadriceps. Sure, at that point the squat becomes excellent for the quadriceps, but for the glutes?

In this article we see the three basic exercises to get firm and marble buttocks in a few minutes of training, to be done every day. And the mistakes not to be made, which are very simple to avoid, in order to obtain concrete results.


The exercises that are able to train all the buttock muscles, giving a homogeneous and harmonious result and toning them, are essentially three. Ground bridge, quadrupedal exercises and kicking.

Ground bridge or bridge

It is that exercise that is done lying on a mat with legs bent and lifting the pelvis and then lowering it.
To do it correctly: before lifting your pelvis, you must touch your heels with your fingertips. You must also learn to lift the pelvis and NOT the rib cage. When you lower your pelvis already towards the ground, you must imagine that you have water under you, which you can touch with the tip of your butt.
Depending on how far you spread your legs, you will have different stresses. Do not raise your heels instead, because in this way you involve the quadriceps more but the buttocks less: instead, push your heels onto the mat. So start by doing 30 with your legs as wide as your shoulders, 30 by spreading your legs and feet slightly outward, 30 by spreading your legs and feet even more. In between, with your feet still, only your thighs apart.

You can then alternate the movements, deciding to go totally down with the buttocks or stopping in mid-movement.
In this video, a dancer does exactly everything I’m explaining to you. The video is in English but you don’t need to hear what she says, just see the movements. Different spreads of the legs, the buttock that goes down or in the middle or makes the pulse, that is, it gives small taps only at the top.
The top is to match the use of rubber bands, which you have to put mid-thigh. This allows you to perform this exercise with all the variations in just 5 minutes and have excellent results.

Exercises in quadrupedal

We all did them in the gym and we all thought they were useless with respect to squats, lunges, deadlifts, hip trust and so on. The truth is, we’ve always hurt them.
By quadrupedal exercises we mean all those exercises with the legs that are essentially done while standing on all fours.

Now, the big mistake everyone makes is keeping their back arched out or even moving them during exercise. The back must be in a neutral position or even slightly curved in order to keep the abdominals contracted and closed. The more we close the abdomen, contracting the belly inwards, the more we avoid the back being stressed to the detriment of the buttock. In addition, the back and hips should not move during the exercises. If I extend my left leg, I don’t have to bend my back to the left.

Once we understand this, we can work the glute in many different ways. By kicking out with the legs (kicks) or by extending the legs and lifting them one at a time behind us (lunges). We can do this in a straight line or by holding the legs diagonally. Here a video to understand all the variations thanks to Tracey Anderson.
Here a video in Italian.  

The kick of the legs (glute lift)

To kick the legs, we can lie down on the mat face down, or better place the torso on a surface such as the base of a bed or the seat of a sofa or table, so that we can then raise the legs up.
This is the most effective method. If, on the other hand, you want to lie completely on your stomach under the ground, always use a rubber band in the mid-thigh. You can then lift your legs by doing some pushups or keeping them bent like in this video. 

Quick and easy glute home workout video.
Here we have, thanks to Blogilates, a 5 minute workout that summarizes all these exercises. You can then vary using the videos that I have listed in the explanations.
If you want the best, buy rubber bands.
I am very happy with these. They are solid and do not break.
OMERIL Elastic Resistance Bands, Elastic Fitness Bands Set in Fabric (3 Pieces) with 3 Resistance Levels.

See also: super flat stomach with easy standing exercises. 

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