How to fight chilblains?

How to fight chilblains?

Hi, I suffer from chilblains every winter. I have tried them all, but periodically a little cold is enough to make my hands numb and red, especially the right one that swells terribly and hurts me … sometimes parts of the little and ring fingers blacken, making it difficult even to write or open a door. In addition to wearing woolen or warm cotton gloves (which I already use), in the herbalist’s shop they recommended a calendula cream or to use rosemary essential oil, useful for reactivating the circulation, but they could not tell me if there is something specific for chilblains. Could you advise me else?

Health Answers

Grieco Rosa
hi, from your writing what prevails is a circulatory problem, I see prevention that carries out it, but I advise you a healthy diet by avoiding refined foods, sugars, milk, dairy products and derivatives, a liver-intestinal cleansing thus eliminates accumulated toxins, drink 1 and a half liters of water a day. Rosemary essential oil and calendula should help. An excellent combination is horsetail and rosehip and bilberry, the first contains minerals and the second vitamin C which strengthens the immune system and circulation lowers bone inflammation and the third strengthens microcirculation and the venous wall. as a shock therapy you might try green clay packs that absorb inflammation. Let me know

Ilaria Porta
Hello, chilblains are a venous and peripheral circulatory problem, therefore the body must be treated from the inside with a healthy diet and specific remedies used for a long time both in winter and in summer by taking short breaks. moreover, what he wrote makes me think certainly of the liver that will be treated otherwise it does not solve anything. if you want to contact me privately via email Good Health

Ilaria Porta
Rosemary Federica will not be enough, a good therapist must do a thorough work on the liver. Good health!

Cinzia zedda - balances studio
Good evening Federica, your problem is unfortunately typically reserved for us sissies and in a rather important form. the first piece of advice I can give you is to get her fingers to do some gym! There are simple but effective exercises that move the circulation such as closing and opening the hand repeatedly and the individual fingers sequentially bringing the hands to the height of the heart. It does not seem to me to have mentioned her age and I have no other fundamental indications to understand if a hormonal imbalance or a stress factor that would also affect liver and kidney functions or if there is a strong family history is responsible for this. An excellent remedy Correct the diet with fruit and vegetable juices where it will have the shrewdness to add ginger and chilli if its general conditions allow it. There is also a remedy created precisely to treat chilblains. If you like, please contact me. Best regards Cinzia Zedda naturopath writer-web write

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