How to eat to lose weight? Here are the 3 basic moves!

How to eat to lose weight? Here are the 3 basic moves!

A lot of people who write to me because they want to lose weight make three fundamental mistakes that lead them to waste a lot of time and ruin their health in search of an appropriate diet plan. The first mistake they make is drastically cutting calories without having the faintest idea when they should eat, that is, their daily calorie needs. The second mistake, equally tragic, is that physical activity seems optional.
The third mistake is that we rely on calories according to the logic “ I eat less, therefore I will lose weight“, A logic that, summarizing, is simplistic, and does not take into account the great adaptability of our body (read: it does not work constantly) and above all the fact that our body needs a series of nutrients. Macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats), fibers and obviously micronutrients (vitamins, minerals).

How to reset everything, and fix these errors that do not make us lose weight? 
In this article I will briefly explain how to eat to lose weight effectively, without a specific food program but with a few common sense rules that, you will see, will help you lose weight. These rules only concern the meal plan, but in another article I will explain which fitness strategies (for beginners) you can adopt, seeing the advice of personal trainers.
And now op, op, let’s get started !!!

Here is the first rule. For one thing, calories aren’t everything, but they’re not out of the question either.
It is necessary to work out and understand how many calories we need to lose weight.

To do this, go here , fill in the fields and view the WEIGHT MAINTENANCE item.
(do not use the figure to lose weight, because cutting a thousand calories a day with the hope of losing a kilo a week is pure madness).
We thus have our total daily calorie requirement. From this need, reduce a maximum of 20% and you will get
the need you need to meet to lose weight in health. For example, if my requirement is 2000 calories, my weight loss diet
will be 1600 calories. This is in order not to lower the metabolism.

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