How to eat more fruits and vegetables in your diet

How to eat more fruits and vegetables in your diet

deliciously_ellaHer name is Ella and she is one of the most interesting bloggers when it comes to natural cooking, based on whole grains, fruits and vegetables. About her Her blog About her Deliciously In fact, she has some fantastic recipes that can be an inspiration to those who have understood that the easiest way to lose weight is to eat well and in a healthy way .
The famous five portions of fruit and vegetables that we feel recommended by doctors, in fact, may not be enough to make us eat a healthy diet , especially if our diet is heavily affected by industrial foods, sweets, various types of chemical junk. Getting to eat more fruit and vegetables or, if we don’t eat them,increasing consumption is an easy way to lose weight . I give you three reasons to do it: – the vitamins and mineral salts of fruit and vegetables allow us to keep metabolism high and improve digestion – 30 grams of fiber a day allow us to lose weight according to a recent study – fruit and vegetables not only us they satiate us, but they keep us away from nervous hunger and sweets.  So let ‘s see how it is possible to eat more fruits and vegetables in the diet , and we do it by following Ella’s simple advi

 let’s start it with a banana or blueberries or other berries, perhaps in pieces together with whole Greek yogurt, porridge, sugar-free whole grains.
Snacks: fruit should be consumed for the rest of the day away from meals, especially for those suffering from excessive intestinal fermentation. At work, let’s remember to bring an apple, a pear, or an orange as a hunger-breaker snack. Lunch:

 add a good dose of vegetables to the carbohydrates or if we skip the pasta, eat a salad rich in vegetables with toasted wholemeal bread. In this way the glycemic load of our lunch, which for almost everyone is carbohydrate, is considerably lower for the portion of vegetables, but the fiber increases giving us a sense of satiety.
Additional snack : raw carrots, fennel wedges, courgettes, cucumbers in pinzimonio, but above all she recommends half an avocado pounded with a little chilli, a tomato and herbs, and spread on a toasted slice of wholemeal bread as a healthy and very good treat.
Dinner:here you can indulge yourself. Baked sweet potatoes but also baked vegetables cut into thin slices (try aubergines and courgettes baked with a little oil but cut into very thin slices: they look like french fries), beetroot puree with brown rice, stir-fried legumes with vegetables, roasted vegetables and seasoned with a drizzle of raw oil are just a few ideas to start the meal with vegetables. This will make us feel full and satisfied. 

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