How to detox without a detox diet

How to detox without a detox diet

Let’s face it, detox is now in fashion .

Soups, smoothies and juices are liked by many people, convinced that drinking liquids with vegetables and fruit can increase their health and make them lose weight.

Alas, this is not only not always true, it is only true in a few cases.
Most people who eat liquid and detox diets not only lose weight which they then regain, but risk ruining their metabolism.
These are the reasons.

  1. Drinking soups and juices following a liquid diet worsens people  ‘s digestion and does not fill them up for a short time , since we are talking about liquid foods that cannot be chewed.
    The result is a swollen belly, bloating, constant hunger and stress, stress, stress. 
  2. According to a recent survey, even the juice from the extractor is not better than the whole fruit, because the lack of fiber makes the work of the liver more problematic towards sugars.
  3. Drinking too much fluids slows down your metabolism , upsetting the body’s electrolyte balance.
  4. We don’t really need a systematic detox, unless we’re sick.
  5. If we are not sick, we have the liver and kidneys to detoxify us: here a group of doctors will explain why. 

The solution?
If you really want to detoxify yourself from an incorrect diet , from supplements taken too easily over the years, from smoking, alcohol and drugs, the solution that does not do harm like a liquid diet exists.
And many nutritionists and experts have been talking about it for some time.


According to Jessica Procini , for example, an American nutritionist and wellness expert who creates funny videos to teach people to avoid diets and dietary fads so as not to ruin their health, there are only 5 things we can do to detox without resorting to soups and mash.

  1. When we take a shower, we finish with a jet of frozen water: this stimulates our lymphatic system
  2. Drink acidulated water with a little lemon juice as soon as you wake up
  3. Get more sleep 
  4. Eat more fruits and vegetables in the form of snacks and side dishes
  5. Use a trampoline .
    It is called rebounding , and it is an excellent system to help blood circulation, reduce stress, strengthen muscles. Just jump on the trampoline every day for a few minutes, the effect is that of a massage at the spa. The aerobic trampoline or rebounder or trampoline costs around 50 euros on Amazon and you can buy it for the home.

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