How to delete photos and videos from WhatsApp with one click

How to delete photos and videos from WhatsApp with one click

delete whatsapp photosDo you need space on your phone? Have you noticed that WhatsApp media files are taking up too much memory but deleting them one by one is too long and tiring? No fear. In this post we see how to delete photos and videos from WhatsApp on iPhone and Android with just one click.

If your smartphone does not have many gigabytes of memory, it has probably happened that your phone asks you to delete some files because you have insufficient memory to receive new content.
This happens when you send a lot of images or videos on WhatsApp.

I know, the fault is also a bit “ours” 🙂. In the images section of this site there are hundreds of images with writing to send for every occasion.

The point is that deleting all pictures and videos one by one from each conversation becomes stressful and boring, it takes too long. Fortunately, there is an app that, once installed, will allow you to delete all media files from WhatsApp in seconds.

The app is called Magic Cleaner , a fantastic application for iOS and Android that allows you to easily get rid of any photo or video file from WhatsApp.

To download the app, you can use one of these two lines (depending on the type of mobile phone you use):

  • Download Magic Cleaner for iOS (iPhone).
  • Download Magic Cleaner for Andorid.

Just download and install the app on your phone and with one click you can free up space on your device, deleting all the content you have received both in groups and single chats.

The cool thing about this application is that it scans WhatsApp and only displays the images it deems to be junk. The app shows you all the images divided by categories , and you can choose which ones to delete.

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