How to cure Meniere’s syndrome?

How to cure Meniere’s syndrome?

Hello, my mom (67 years old) after many years has reached an advanced stage of Meniere’s syndrome. You have tinnitus , deafness and severe dizziness. Her left ear is compromised and lately the dizziness has worsened, causing complete loss of balance. After yet another disheartening visit to an ENT “luminary”, it is clear that traditional medicine has no cures, but therapies to block the progression of the disease which could become disabling. I kindly ask you for directions to help me make my mom feel good. Thank you. Viviana

Health Answers

Dr. Francesco Candeloro
Meniere’s syndrome is treated empirically with therapies that often aim to reduce the state of inflammation, and therefore of secretion, which affects a part of the inner ear. Despite this, the disease often tends to persist, precisely because the treatments fail to act on the causes that determine it. The homeopathic approach in these cases can certainly be of help in delaying the advancement of the disease, but it is nevertheless true that each approach shows greater effectiveness the more one intervenes in a phase of inflammation that is not advanced, and therefore less lesional. However, as mentioned, acting homeopathically, always with personalized treatments, even in this case, can delay the further evolution of the disorders.
Cinzia zedda - balances studio

Dear Vivian, I understand your concern. In the meantime, I don’t have many indications and I have no idea what her mother has already tried but she knows that in some cases adopting a type of diet that controls fluid retention can be favorable to controlling the disease. Plus also acupuncturehas given good results but as always the success is subjective and depends on the chronicity of the disease and other constitutional factors. moreover, even the help of a good physiotherapist can help to alleviate the crises with vertigo that unfortunately often accompany the syndrome. If her mum smokes it is important that she stop right away. For the health of the ear it is important to maintain a good elasticity of the tissues / ossicles of the inner ear with doses of organic silicon. Last but not least yoga and serenity in the soul sometimes work miracles. best wishes for your mom and let me know the evolution of the thing. Best regards Cinzia Zedda


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