How to cure high blood pressure?
Hi, for some months I have the minimum high pressure 130/95 after various tests and the value of the micro albumen is 67.5, now I am using compound olive. Alternatively, is there any more specific remedy? Thank you.
Health Answers

Microalbuminuria is a test that indicates early kidney involvement (it is required to evaluate any organ damage); high microalbuminuria indicates that kidney function is not optimal and is often related to diabetes Is blood sugar normal? . Nutrition is also important (drastically reducing salt in particular). For example, a plant with renal action is the Birch to be taken in glycemic macerate, but I believe its problem should be evaluated in more detail. with regard

Beyond the medical parameters you have referred to, which are precisely of medical competence, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the sudden onset of pathologies such as this one you referred may depend on a loss of that psycho / physical harmony which it enjoyed before. : the loss of energy balance always causes physical problems over time. I would advise you to combine some Reiki sessions with medical therapies that will immediately remove any stress, anxiety, nervous tension, thus helping the pressure rebalancing. Good life.

General Reader Arterial hypertension is a pathology with changing aspects, which does not tell us what its true causes are and which can arise suddenly without particular symptoms, so if it remains a given without other related data: diabetes, even in initial phase, familiarity, vascular pathologies etc, but it remains as a “unicum” the doctor in charge must also be monitored and heard, a correct lifestyle must be renewed both from a food and motor point of view; furthermore, other important factors in the evaluation of this pressure are age, sex and concomitant pathologies ……. therefore, on closer inspection, diagnostic investigations are necessary and then it will be possible to say what needs to be done also from the point of view of Complementary Medicines. Friendliness Dr.

Good morning Vincenzo, taking care of the diet and eliminating the hidden salt in food, which is the most subtle one together with moderate and controlled physical activity or yoga aim to calibrate the stress often guilty of the alteration of blood pressure. Do not use drains that could strain your kidneys without consulting your doctor. However, a couple of drops of lavender and mandarin essential oil on the wrists can help relax and keep blood pressure at the right levels.
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