How to cure extrasystole?

How to cure extrasystole?

Hi, I am 41 years old and for about 3 I have often experienced extrasystoles, in the beginning I did not know they were called that, what I am accusing is an abnormal beating of my heart as if it lost its rhythm for a moment and then returned to normal beating. The cardiologist I rely on after having undergone several tests such as stress ecg, echocolordoppler, cardiological examination, claims that the cause of this discomfort lies in the fact that my body accumulates too much adrenaline and then discharges it in this way, also claims which is not to be considered dangerous and yet he prescribed me half a beta-blocker tablet specifically cardicor 2.5, says that my heartit is perfect, but when I feel this phenomenon I get scared to the point of not practicing sports anymore and it does nothing but increase my anxiety that I have been carrying around for years now. In the context it must be said that I was diagnosed with gastric reflux from cardial incontinence, now my question is: are these extrasystoles really due to adrenaline as the cardiologist says or is it a symptom of reflux ? to premise that there are periods that I do not warn them and periods that instead I also warn them two / three times a day, it is important for me to understand the cause in order to try to prevent them, in case it was really an excess of adrenaline how could I counter it with possibly natural remedies? I state that I tried to use lemon balm , chamomile, passionflower, lime , with poor results or maybe I will have the wrong dose and timing … as you can understand I am quite confused and I really need your help ….. thanks!

Health Answers

Grieco Rosa
Hi Alfonso, in his summary of presentation of the problem he still speaks to me of a background anxiety that has accompanied him for some time, in my opinion it is likely that the presence of extrasystole is triggered by anxiety. In my opinion, sporting activity serves in his case precisely to release the nervous tension that accumulates. I would advise you to follow a path with Bach flowers always after an interview with a flower therapist, in this case through the interview you can evaluate what exactly happened, I am a flower therapist and you can contact me privately if you want. I would also like to know the camomile, passionflower and lime tree how he used them and with what dosages, only in this way can I say if it was correct to use since there are different solutions on the market.


first of all I wanted to thank you for taking the time to answer me, as for passion flower, hawthorn and lemon balm I take them in the form of infusions in the evening before going to bed, a cup of water with a spoon full of a mix of herbs cited above …. is it enough? …. it seems not since the problem is not solved; I live in Taranto, I don’t know, tell me if I can contact you privately for some advice, thanks again it’s good day.

Cinzia zedda - balances studio
Alfonso, Indeed, there may be a relationship between the symptoms you reported and the extra systole. The work he has to do is undoubtedly correct the diet with regard to reflux, also using mucilage to soothe the pain and work a lot on stress and anxiety. As a phytotherapy, oxycanta crataegus (hawthorn) seems to me more suitable than the herbal remedies she used (milder and less specific). Oxycanta is a “friend” plant of the heart and its beat. In his case, the association of trace elements (manganese and cobalt) that work on dystonia could be indicated. However, I believe that by themselves they are not decisive for her. It is certain that once the problems that she somatizes through these symptoms are solved, everything will pass without taking anything. However, I emphasize that she must investigate the causes that created this stress (obviously it must have been important if the alteration of her heartbeat was physically affected) and undertake to overcome this state for her well-being. You yourself can verify what impact and strength the emotional state can have on your body. I had a similar case a few years ago. The stress of the person I am referring to was due to a disastrous sentimental situation. After a couple of years the sentimental serenity recovered, even the heart had then regained its regularity and the extra systole disappeared in a few weeks. I therefore advise you to rely on a trusted figure for your reflux and also for the psychological aspect. Kind regards Cinzia Zedda naturopath-writer Good luck and let me know. altered heartbeat) and strive to overcome this state for your well-being. You yourself can verify what impact and strength the emotional state can have on your body. I had a similar case a few years ago. The stress of the person I am referring to was due to a disastrous sentimental situation. After a couple of years the sentimental serenity recovered, even the heart had then regained its regularity and the extra systole disappeared in a few weeks. I therefore advise you to rely on a trusted figure for your reflux and also for the psychological aspect. Kind regards Cinzia Zedda naturopath-writer Good luck and let me know. altered heartbeat) and strive to overcome this state for your well-being. You yourself can verify what impact and strength the emotional state can have on your body. I had a similar case a few years ago. The stress of the person I am referring to was due to a disastrous sentimental situation. After a couple of years the sentimental serenity recovered, even the heart had then regained its regularity and the extra systole disappeared in a few weeks. I therefore advise you to rely on a trusted figure for your reflux and also for the psychological aspect. Kind regards Cinzia Zedda naturopath-writer Good luck and let me know. The stress of the person I am referring to was due to a disastrous sentimental situation. After a couple of years the sentimental serenity recovered, even the heart had then regained its regularity and the extra systole disappeared in a few weeks. I therefore advise you to rely on a trusted figure for your reflux and also for the psychological aspect. Kind regards Cinzia Zedda naturopath-writer Good luck and let me know. The stress of the person I am referring to was due to a disastrous sentimental situation. After a couple of years the sentimental serenity recovered, even the heart had then regained its regularity and the extra systole disappeared in a few weeks. I therefore advise you to rely on a trusted figure for your reflux and also for the psychological aspect. Kind regards Cinzia Zedda naturopath-writer Good luck and let me know.
dear doctor Cinzia zedda unfortunately my problems or at least those of which I am aware are problems that everyone has today …. I do not feel fulfilled in the working field and unfortunately I have lost some very dear person (dad, father-in-law and for me they were like parents) in addition I live in taranto and work in ilva so I live constantly in the balance between health and work, not having certainty of the future of both one thing and the other, but as I said before I am not the only one in this situation in ilva, for example, almost 16,000 people work so I do not know if this is due to the concerns for the future of their children and the well-being of the family who does not have them? surely I would have wanted a different reality for me and my family but I realize that there is

Cinzia zedda - balances studio
Don’t be discouraged! There is a lot of pessimism in his words. It is true that the problems belong to everyone but it is the way in which we react that can make the difference. I insist in saying that you should look for a person in Taranto who knows how to follow you on several fronts and closely, perhaps a homeopathic doctor to name a figure who could help you. Of course, my client’s example was just an example like so many there are just to make her understand how much physical and emotional problems cannot be underestimated or left to chance and are in fact very personal like reactions. Try to think what happened three years ago and notice if your extrasystoles worsen or improve with rest or physical activity and what are the moments in which they cease to exist. extrasystole the heart as a muscle is strong and the cardiologist agrees I do not see why he should give up doing some sport (and here a strong anxious state manifests itself with his fears). Unfortunately, the distance prevents me from helping you in a concrete way. Each situation must be assessed in person with the possibility of being monitored and followed. Good luck Cinzia Zedda naturopath-writer

Cinzia zedda - balances studio
Don’t be discouraged! There is a lot of pessimism in his words. It is true that the problems belong to everyone but it is the way in which we react that can make the difference. I insist in saying that you should look for a person in Taranto who knows how to follow you on several fronts and closely, perhaps a homeopathic doctor to name a figure who could help you. Of course, my client’s example was just an example like so many there are just to make her understand how much physical and emotional problems cannot be underestimated or left to chance and are in fact very personal like reactions. Try to think what happened three years ago and notice if your extrasystoles worsen or improve with rest or physical activity and what are the moments in which they cease to exist. extrasystole the heart as a muscle is strong and the cardiologist agrees I do not see why he should give up doing some sport (and here a strong anxious state manifests itself with his fears). Unfortunately, the distance prevents me from helping you in a concrete way. Each situation must be assessed in person with the possibility of being monitored and followed. Good luck Cinzia Zedda naturopath-writer

Grieco Rosa
Hi Alfonso, gastric reflux from cardial incontinence usually generates other symptoms, rather than extrasystoles, however each subject has different reactions, so I don’t feel like excluding it without having a clear picture. Regarding the distance it is relative, today with the internet you can communicate with any part of the world, I generally use skype to communicate, so you can contact me if you want, in the meantime I send you my email let me know. Good day.

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