How to cure anxiety and panic naturally?
Hi, I am a 35 year old woman for some time I have been suffering from anxiety and panic attacks. A come suddenly with dizziness, tightening of the muscles, a feeling of tightness and a desire to move quickly or sit down. Symptoms that I can manage, but which are somewhat annoying. Furthermore, I often feel sad, during the day I feel bad in my stomach and I happen to have bad thoughts and fix myself on something that has impressed me in some way. I am wary of psychiatric drugs and I went to a homeopathic pharmacy where they advised me to take the l72 drops plus Ignatia heel for 2 or 3 months. Before starting to take them I would like to know if I can consider them a right remedy. In the meantime, I also started psychotherapy. Thank you in advance
Health Answers

Dear Anonymous, I understand that these disorders have arisen recently and are not chronic so, all the more reason, what I am going to advise you will be particularly useful with a certain immediacy. I advise you to find a Reiki therapist in your area who will practice about ten initial sessions, evaluating the evolution of the situation in the meantime. Reiki is applied through the hands of the therapist (who channels the universal energy not his own) and the very first guaranteed effects are the elimination of stress , anxiety, nervous tension and any painful syndromes with the utmost naturalness and harmony, without any annoying invasiveness. Reiki will immediately promote relaxation and harmony in her and will help to clarify her in order to understand the real and deeper reasons for her discomfort. Of course, this will have to be accompanied by the psychotherapy already rightly undertaken by you even if I would advise you to also carry out medical investigations to exclude various pathologies. If you want to have information about REIKI, you can read my articles and those of colleagues here on natural-cures and if you want to contact me for information, you can do so easily. Hoping to have been of help to her, I send her a hug of Reiki Light.

Dearest, when people like you who suffer from anxiety come to me, I always ask them to investigate the aspects or events that are not going well in their life or if something particular has happened or if there is a situation of annoyance that has lasted a long time. little too much in one’s life. Even when apparently we do not find an answer, we must seek deep within ourselves the courage to face the truth that is not always pleasant. In fact, anxiety could lead to aspects and / or people that are part of our life and that no longer satisfy us. By understanding and intervening on the problem, changing what is wrong, anxiety and its companions generally disappear. However, there are other organic and mechanical factors to consider that can create the symptoms you describe. Natural remedies work but then again, not knowing the cause I’m not sure if they can help. Usually the Rescue remedy (Bach flowers ) together with other specific “flowers” work well in managing emotions of this type. However, I advise you to have blood tests prescribed to verify that the iron values ​​and those inherent to the liver are normal and that there are no mechanical and postural imbalances (eg cervical ). Therefore, I send you cordial greetings. I remain available for any further information. Cinzia Zedda naturopath-writer

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