How to cure an always swollen tonsil?

How to cure an always swollen tonsil?

My 26 year old daughter always has an inflamed tonsil, which produces mucus, ear discomfort and a sore throat . What remedy could he be prescribed. Thank you

Health Answers

Grieco Rosa
Hi Giuseppe, I would recommend a throat swab to be able to evaluate a possible specific infection before any other advice or treatment. Good day. Grieco Rosa flower therapist and preventive herbalist. mail-

Cinzia zedda - balances studio

Good evening Mr. Giuseppe, in the meantime, a consultation with his doctor is useful, who will be able to verify if it is an infection or what are the causes if different from this hypothesis. In case of inflammation, one of the specific treatments is concentrated pineapple . But let me know the evolution. Kind regards cinzia Zedda naturopath Kind regards

Anna Maria Pisano

Dear Giuseppe, your daughter seems to have lymphatic disorders due to inflammation. In such cases it is important to contact the family doctor for a precise diagnosis. The therapy could be based on essential oils such as rosemary , eucalyptus , lavender both to be taken orally for their antibacterial action and to make fumigations with hot water. After 3-4 days, if there is no decisive improvement, it is better to hear from your doctor.

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