How to cure a hiatus hernia?
my brother was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia . She is 54 years old. They told him he is not curable. Can’t you really do anything to cure it or can you recommend foods or something natural to help? Thank you
Health Answers
Dear Mrs. Marcella, it is not possible with the information you provided to be able to say whether the hiatal hernia diagnosed in your brother is curable or not. The advice is to contact a good specialist who can evaluate and investigate the situation in order to direct you towards concrete solutions. From a psychosomatic point of view, the gastrointestinal tract is the seat of the ego and is connected with one’s desires. It is associated with an intuitive understanding of who we are and how we relate to others and the environment in which we live. Its correct functioning foresees the ability to welcome, to protect oneself and to express aggression in a constructive way. Usually those affected by this type of problem have difficulty living their emotions which tend to freeze and then explode at the sudden. Even lack of confidence in one’s abilities, a sense of helplessness, inadequacy and nervousness give rise to a sense of loss and a desire to escape, as the subject will have as its main objective being accepted and liked by others and to achieve this goal he will deny himself to conform to the thinking of the people he wants to like. Therefore, if aggression is repressed and projected inwards, we are in the presence of a self-destructive process that in the long run will cause problems for the gastrointestinal system. From a food point of view, for those suffering from hiatus hernia it is advisable to consume light meals several times during the day avoiding large binges and those foods that worsen the burning of sense of helplessness, inadequacy and nervousness give rise to a sense of bewilderment and a desire to escape, as the subject will have as its main objective to be accepted and liked by others and to achieve this goal he will deny himself to conform to the thinking of people to he wants to please. Therefore, if aggression is repressed and projected inwards, we are in the presence of a self-destructive process that in the long run will cause problems for the gastrointestinal system. From a food point of view, for those suffering from hiatus hernia it is advisable to consume light meals several times during the day avoiding large binges and those foods that worsen the burning of sense of helplessness, inadequacy and nervousness give rise to a sense of bewilderment and a desire to escape, as the subject will have as its main objective to be accepted and liked by others and to achieve this goal he will deny himself to conform to the thinking of people to he wants to please. Therefore, if aggression is repressed and projected inwards, we are in the presence of a self-destructive process that in the long run will cause problems for the gastrointestinal system. From a food point of view, for those suffering from hiatus hernia it is advisable to consume light meals several times during the day avoiding large binges and those foods that worsen the burning of as the subject will have as its main objective to be accepted and liked by others and to achieve this goal he will deny himself in order to conform to the thought of the people he wishes to like. Therefore, if aggression is repressed and projected inwards, we are in the presence of a self-destructive process that in the long run will cause problems for the gastrointestinal system. From a food point of view, for those suffering from hiatus hernia it is advisable to consume light meals several times during the day avoiding large binges and those foods that worsen the burning of as the subject will have as its main objective to be accepted and liked by others and to achieve this goal he will deny himself in order to conform to the thought of the people he wishes to like. Therefore, if aggression is repressed and projected inwards, we are in the presence of a self-destructive process that in the long run will cause problems for the gastrointestinal system. From a food point of view, for those suffering from hiatus hernia it is advisable to consume light meals several times during the day avoiding large binges and those foods that worsen the burning of aggression is repressed and projected inwards, we are in the presence of a self-destructive process that in the long run will cause problems for the gastrointestinal system. From a food point of view, for those suffering from hiatus hernia it is advisable to consume light meals several times during the day avoiding large binges and those foods that worsen the burning of aggression is repressed and projected inwards, we are in the presence of a self-destructive process that in the long run will cause problems for the gastrointestinal system. From a food point of view, for those suffering from hiatus hernia it is advisable to consume light meals several times during the day avoiding large binges and those foods that worsen the burning ofstomach and reflux ; therefore alcohol, coffee, chocolate , citrus fruits, spicy, spicy, fried and highly seasoned foods are contraindicated. Certainly white meats are much more suitable than red ones, trying to avoid sausages and very fatty cheeses as well. It would be good practice to limit sweets and prefer the consumption of fish. As far as drinks are concerned, try to avoid all the carbonated ones as much as possible and it is absolutely not recommended to go to bed in the first hours after a meal, as the horizontal position tends to facilitate the ascent of gastric juices. For further information on Psychosomatics and any dietary advice do not hesitate to contact me. With best regards, Dr.ssa Manuela Gravante Psychosomatic Health and Wellness

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