How to counteract the decrease in libido caused by an antidepressant?
Hi, I am 38 years old, unfortunately for the past 5 years I have been suffering from chronic bacterial prostatitis , which I manage with herbal medicines (serenoa and nettle alternating with pygeum and quercetin). This pathology has led me over time to suffer from an anxious-depressive state characterized by strong insomnia (which I tried to get treated by various naturopaths, unfortunately without satisfactory results). I have been taking an antidepressant for some time that acts on the reuptake of serotonin , which causes me a certain decrease in libido. I would like to ask you if there are herbal medicines that can help me counteract this side effect of the drug without interacting negatively with it. I used to take pomegranate juicewhich helped me (both for libido and prostate) but I read that it cannot be taken at the same time as antidepressants. Could sleep whitania be an adequate adaptogen? I ask you about this herbal medicine because I have read that maca in some sites is not recommended for those with prostate problems, while tribulus seems to increase estrogen. Thanks Doctor for your advice. Best regards
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