How to counteract the decrease in libido caused by an antidepressant?

How to counteract the decrease in libido caused by an antidepressant?

Hi, I am 38 years old, unfortunately for the past 5 years I have been suffering from chronic bacterial prostatitis , which I manage with herbal medicines (serenoa and nettle alternating with pygeum and quercetin). This pathology has led me over time to suffer from an anxious-depressive state characterized by strong insomnia (which I tried to get treated by various naturopaths, unfortunately without satisfactory results). I have been taking an antidepressant for some time that acts on the reuptake of serotonin , which causes me a certain decrease in libido. I would like to ask you if there are herbal medicines that can help me counteract this side effect of the drug without interacting negatively with it. I used to take pomegranate juicewhich helped me (both for libido and prostate) but I read that it cannot be taken at the same time as antidepressants. Could sleep whitania be an adequate adaptogen? I ask you about this herbal medicine because I have read that maca in some sites is not recommended for those with prostate problems, while tribulus seems to increase estrogen. Thanks Doctor for your advice. Best regards

Health Answers

Cinzia zedda - balances studio
Hello, whitania is a very effective remedy but unfortunately for her it cannot be used in conjunction with antidepressants or sleeping pills. For bacterial prostatitis, a dietary change is recommended in order to restore the basic acid balance (milk and derivatives in particular) together with supplements for recovery in this sense and a cleansing of the intestine. without this premise it is not possible to have positive results with any treatment. Even the levels of serotonin can be increased through a balanced diet specific to your case. For insomnia, I can recommend an integration with Bach flowers developed by a good flower therapist, lots of physical activity and meditation to release stagnant energies. Part of her depression could be aggravated and linked to the insecurity that prostatitis and a drop in libido cause her. Kind regards Cinzia Zedda naturopath expert in natural nutrition and body energy techniques

Ilaria Porta
Good morning, in the meantime, prostatitis must be evaluated and the area torched with specific Naturopathic treatments that work on the ground and on the constitution. having said that, I invite you to read on this site in the Special “medicinal mushrooms” area the various articles that I have written precisely for the disorder you are currently suffering from, namely CORDYCEPS SINENSIS which can be truly effective and of great help, a natural remedy that it does not interact with what it is taking. regards

Hello, I point out this site where the various pathologies affecting the prostate are treated, on the site there are experts who can privately answer all your questions and doubts and there are the stories of other people suffering from your pathology. I hope it will help you.

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