How to burn 100 calories in 10 minutes
Today we see a simple workout to burn 100 calories in 10 minutes through a simple exercise that involves jumping.
It’s a simple but very effective cardiovascular workout that we can do every day: you need a jump rope, but you can also do it without it and I’ll show you how.
I recommend that you print the workout so you can keep an eye on it and then memorize it. This way you can repeat it while listening to music. Otherwise, do it once, film yourself or have yourself filmed on your cell phone and then use the video on your cell phone to remind you of all the steps.
Warm up
One minute of normal or oblique Jumping Jacks .
30 seconds of rope jumping. If you don’t have rope or anything similar to jump, do the balances on the rope without a rope like this .
10 second pause.
30 seconds of rope jumping with a double jump every three laps. If you don’t have rope or anything similar to jump, do the balances on the rope without rope like this and jump twice every three jumps.
10 second pause.
30 seconds of rope jumping. If you don’t have rope or anything similar to jump, do the balances on the rope without a rope like this.
10 second pause.
30 seconds of squat jump, watch the video for the execution .
30 seconds of rope jumping (no pause after squat jumps, otherwise 5 seconds of pause, time to catch the rope).
10 second pause.
30 seconds of rope jumping with a double jump every three laps.
10 second pause.
30 seconds of running with knees up.
10 second pause.
30 seconds of rope jumping.
One minute break. Sip of water.
Repeat for another round.
Anyone who wants can combine this mini workout with another workout to tone the whole body , in just 20 minutes, to be done at another time of the day. Those who have problems with their knees or leg joints in general can follow this 15-minute video with low-intensity exercises.
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