How much water to drink to reduce stomach bloating?

How much water to drink to reduce stomach bloating?

Water: drinking a little is bad for you, and so is drinking too much . If we all know what drinking too little water leads to, namely the effects of dehydration, drinking too much water can also harm us. For example, causing stress on the adrenals, kidneys and electrolyte imbalance.

It is no coincidence that people who try to reduce stomach bloating by drinking too much water find themselves experiencing even more bloating and heaviness, to which is added the urge to go to pee more often and a drop in body temperature. Drinking too much stresses the body through the loss of minerals, and this unfortunately has a boomerang effect on stomach bloating.

But how much water to drink to reduce belly bloating?
According to Dr. A. Vogel , the useful amount of water that allows us to stay hydrated and reduce stomach swelling by improving both digestion and intestinal regularity is about one and a half liters .

Obviously, in the summer it will be more, or if we train the consumption of water must be increased, together with the right integration of mineral salts (sodium, potassium, magnesium) which are dispersed with excessive sweating.

Therefore a liter and a half is the water that on average you should drink under normal conditions , preferably non-carbonated, during the day. Better to start in the morning with larger quantities, decreasing around five in the afternoon with consumption

This is because our renal capacity to manage water is lower from afternoon to evening , so we drink and run to the bathroom more frequently, while it is optimal in the morning, parallel to the body’s need to purify itself of the waste of the night.

Those who suffer from stomach bloating can take water in other forms , that is with tepid decoctions or herbal teas.

For stomach bloating , decoctions of fennel seeds and anise seeds are indicated (ie the seeds should be boiled in water for about ten minutes), with the addition of a piece of fresh ginger root.
While for herbal teas chamomile and lemon balm are indicated (therefore for infusion), with a soothing and relaxing effect.

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