How many carbohydrates to eat? It depends on the genes

How many carbohydrates to eat? It depends on the genes

How many carbohydrates to eat for weight loss?
Do you have to go on a high-carb, low-fat diet or a high-fat, low-carb diet?
Will you be more successful on the Dukan diet or the Dash diet?
Apparently the answer is in your genes.
Which confirms that there is no diet that makes everyone lose weight equally.

This is established by a study on fruit flies , which share 75% of the genetic heritage with humans . And on which a group of researchers from three different universities, one Spanish, one Australian and one American, conducted their studies for six years . By isolating midges into various groups and subjecting them to high-carb or low-carb but high-protein diets, scientists have discovered one thing.

The midges didn’t all lose weight equally. 
Some were better off with fewer carbohydrates, others with a higher carbohydrate share.
It took them six years to understand why. And the explanation lies in the genes.
Midges with a genetic variation in DNA mitochondria (mtDna) tended to put on weight with more carbohydrates, but could not gain weight with fewer carbohydrates and more protein. And this genetic variant is also found in humans. So, whoever owns it is not so much a friend of carbohydrates, at least if they want to lose weight.

Would we therefore need to do a genetic test to figure out how many carbohydrates to eat?
It is not strictly necessary.

There is a quicker trick to find out. 
Those who want to understand whether carbohydrates or proteins are better for weight loss can experience it this way.
Doing 3 months of the rice diet or Dash diet and then doing three months of the Zone diet or low carb diet like Harcombe .
If the weight lost is greater in the first case and you feel even better, chances are you have no problem with carbohydrates while you need to reduce fat. If at the end of the three months of the low carb diet you have lost more weight than with the rice diet, then perhaps it is better to know how to dose with pasta, rice and sweets.

Do you want to understand it in less time? Then try this test , created by a geneticist.
It will take you 5 minutes and a pack of crackers.

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