How long does it take to boost metabolism?

How long does it take to boost metabolism?

This is the question that most people who suspect they have a slow metabolism ask themselves after trying to find out what they can do to increase their metabolism.
Because the metabolism, which in fact regulates the way in which the body uses energy to live in all its processes, also tends to slow down or increase depending on some parameters .

The most important of these is nutrition .
In general, our metabolism tends to balance, that is, to make sure to adapt to what we eat in order to slow down (if we eat too little: for a while it can also be understood in a poorly nutritious way) or increase.

Those who want to increase their metabolism have only one way to go: eat more.

Secondly, increasing your muscle mass also allows you to increase metabolism, but any other parameter that increases metabolism directly or indirectly depends on our diet. 

If we eat too little, it will also be difficult to put on muscle, while it will be very easy to overwork. In short, food is our petrol, we are machines and without petrol there is very little we can do.
All the rest are tricks that are valid in a thousandth way, and that can compromise our health.

For example, taking substances that speed up the metabolism, a trick that works in the short term, but when we stop taking those substances it makes it easier for us to have metabolic damage, a stall or a plateau.

For this reason, those who have a slowed metabolism from years of diets or months of diets or from drastic behaviors and want to increase it, must return to normal, that is, get to eat for their total energy expenditure.

Do you get fat? Obviously.
And how long does it take to boost metabolism and stop gaining weight?
Well, it’s a bit difficult to explain without some extreme simplification. After this long introduction, I will try to do it to clarify your ideas. Follow me on page two

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