How is chalazion on the eyelid naturally treated?

How is chalazion on the eyelid naturally treated?

Natural remedies available for chalazion on the eyelid in order to avoid surgery.

Health Answers

Cinzia zedda - balances studio

Good morning, it is necessary to promote circulation with applications of warm water and compresses with boric water or chamomile , euphrasia. I recommend increasing B vitamins but not before consulting your ophthalmologist. Certainly in the relationship with TCM and naturopathy I recommend to work on the intestine (a cycle of lactic ferments) and on the purification of the liver with valid phytotherapeutic drugs compatible with its constitution. He will see that in this way he will have certain benefits. Keep in mind that the healing takes quite a long time. As this is a delicate part, always keep it under medical supervision. best regards Cinzia Zedda naturopath


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