How do you lose weight without obsessions?

How do you lose weight without obsessions?

head in chipsMany people who follow my blog are thin or otherwise of normal weight, so they don’t need to stay on a diet too much ; others have that extra size that afflicts them, but which they cannot lose ; still others have tried many diets and are overweight . In all these people, however, there is a common denominator: they have done more than one diet in their life, and often have to control themselves a lot to maintain weight. They often eat little or exercise a lot; or else they can’t eat little and after a virtuous period of diets they tend to run out of steam and eat poorly, so they get fat.
In short: everything starts with control. How much and what we eat, how many times we indulge in food, but in most cases (another common denominator) food is seen as an enemy or a problem . Can we avoid turning what we eat into constant and silent worry?

We probably should. And if we stopped thinking about it all the time, maybe we would be in better shape more easily . Here are the psychological traps that, for example, we must avoid to lose weight without obsessing ourselves: I will explain them to you through this researcher, who in turn explained it during a conference .
How do you lose weight and stay normal weight without obsessions, but go back to enjoying food? Escaping the psychological trap of continuous diets, and noticing these things:
1) Many people do not lose weight while cutting calories and increasing physical activity . All liars or losers?
2) Deprivation from food is seen by the body as a punishment. The brain acts accordingly. Metabolism too.
3) We should not deprive ourselves of the foods we like, but eat them without problems even if not with the same frequency that causes us to be overweight.
4) Once we have eaten the foods we like, it is best to return to a normal but not restrictive diet
5) Putting it all on self-control is wrong. We don’t have unlimited self-control over food. Probably understand that we are not perfect but that we can fail in our purposesit will help us to be less strict and stress less . We will also metabolize food better.
6) We choose activities that we like to lose weight , and don’t force ourselves to the gym or gymnastics if we don’t feel like it: we can walk, go dancing, take a Pilates class, in short, organize ourselves for alternatives that enjoy us more .
7) Trying to distract yourself from food doesn’t work: the thought becomes more tormenting and recurring. If we really want something let’s eat it: this will neutralize the power of food on us. A pizza is just a pizza. The next day we can eat a salad or eat like the day before. But if we really crave pizza, the stress of never eating it will make every day of our diet become a torture.
8) When we eat something too high in calories or heavy but we love, we try to enjoy it . We’re not bothering too much with the fact that we’re going to get fat. Because one is masochistic, two is the best way to turn self-frustration into compulsive behavior.
9) People who manage to keep weight eat what they want not because they are lucky, but because they try to include what they love trying to enjoy food, focusing on quality over quantity, training to stop eating when they are full, not feeling condemned to a salad life but only to a salad meal if they want pizza in the evening.
In short: the gist of the matter is “take it easy”. Trying to have a more casual attitude towards food is the best way to not treat it as an enemy. And don’t get fat.

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