How do thin people eat?

How do thin people eat?

Recently appeared in The Atlantic, a curious article recounts the study by  Cornell University Food and Brand Lab , which took a sample of about 150 thin people, who have always been thin for most of their lives, and who at best are gain weight from two to five kilos in special circumstances, for example with the aftermath of pregnancy. The purpose of the researchers was to understand if there were habits or things that these people had compared to those who are increasingly struggling with extra pounds today.

Well, doing an investigation, it turned out that there were some things that thin people did in varying percentages, and that we consider to be good habits. Half of them weigh themselves once a week; 96% of thin people eat breakfast in the morning; 90% of thin people do physical activity, of which 42% train five to six times a week; most of them eat fruit and vegetables, and vegetable side dishes for dinner; most of them prefer white meat to red. But what the experts did not expect is another significant finding: half of the skinny people analyzed have never been on a diet in their life. Another quarter went on a diet, but rarely.

That’s not to say they don’t pay attention to their fitness, but experts have said that thinness can only be genes for some of them. But according to Brian Wansink, who heads the Food and Brand Lab, the simplest explanation is that they have a normal and natural relationship with food, not spoiled and structured because of food restrictions, but according to their instinctive need to feed themselves, when they want. and what they want. Furthermore, they would pay attention to the quality of what they eat, without implementing restrictive but temporary solutions, but using simple common sense.

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