How can you calm a belly that is gurgling loud enough to be heard even with background noises?
I am taking antibiotics that give me abdominal cramps and consequently I add lactic ferments to restore the intestinal flora … will this be the cause of the acute gurgle? Thanks Paola
Health Answers

Dear Madam, the problem you are writing about can be trivial or complex. Antibiotic therapy alters intestinal bacterial flora and lactic ferments can favor a more lively peristalsis, this could explain both cramps and “intestinal noises”. However, it should be pointed out that the reasons for intestinal cramps and intestinal noises may be physiological in nature (eg due to “hunger”); linked to stress-related syndromes, such as forms of irritable colon; pathological, linked to gastrointestinal problems of various kinds, from simple diarrhea to forms of enteritis, flu syndromes, malabsorption, inflammatory intestinal diseases but also to forms of a degenerative nature. More precise answers, relating to your question, can be obtained after appropriate anamnestic collection and after a thorough medical examination.
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