Hot pepper stimulates brown fat

Hot pepper stimulates brown fat

dietapeperoncinoThis is certainly not new: eating spicy, as I write here in the so-called “spice diet” is an easy way to help weight loss, but if we eat spicy, according to experts, the result is guaranteed. According to researchers at the University of Wyoming, hot pepper could be the new trick to stimulate the metabolism to burn more without having to go on a diet and count calories: the slimming agent would also be the ingredient that gives the hot pepper its spiciness. , in fact, or capsaicin , so much so that there is talk of a capsaicin-based slimming pill to fight obesity.

In fact, the capsaicin contained in chili peppers would tend to burn excess fat by stimulating the conversion of white fat into brown fat , or that particular type of fat that influences metabolism by increasing it, and which is found to a greater extent in thin people, while people obese tend to convent part of it in fat or white fat. But why take a pill or wait for a commercial capsaicin concentrate if we can just eat hot pepper ? When we say that the spicy taste stimulates thermogenesis, we are talking without knowing it about capsaicin which activates our brown fat, making us disperse heat according to a mechanism called thermogenesis: the greater the induced thermogenesisfrom hot peppers the more we burn calories just by feeling hot.

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