After the long wait for its release, we can finally get our hands on Horizon Forbidden West , the sequel to the highly acclaimed Sony console exclusive, Horizon Zero Dawn , developed by the Guerrilla Games team . The Forbidden West is certainly one of the most dangerous places our Aloy could venture into, and even for us players the road will be fraught with challenges. And just to tackle the latter, here is our complete guide to the trophies and platinum of Horizon Forbidden West , a title available on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 .
The game does not feature trophies related to difficulty , so feel free to play this new chapter at the level you prefer, however we point out that some of the trophies on the list are skill-based, and consequently you will have to be able to perform certain actions thanks to your skills. . All in all, getting the coveted platinum should be a breeze for you . Horizon Forbidden West presents the almost astronomical number of 59 trophies ( 50 , 7
, 1
, 1
), with the obviously presence of those related to the history and level of Aloy. Among these , none of the trophies are online, being the fully single player title. Additionally, only 1 of the trophies is missing . If you haven’t read it yet, we refer you to our review of the game .
ATTENTION: although we will try to avoid as many details as possible, in the guide there will be SPOILERS regarding Horizon Forbidden West, its plot and some of the events. Also, one of the trophies present gives a REALLY GREAT preview, so we advise you to continue reading looking only for what you need, or only if you have already finished the main story.
What to do first?
Like its predecessor, Horizon Forbidden West offers tremendous freedom to the player , but there’s more. First of all, know that to get platinum it will NOT be necessary to complete the game 100% : for example, only some of the collectibles are needed for certain trophies ( Collilunghi , Calderoni , Melee Pits and Hunting Grounds , with the latter where you can complete challenges even with the lowest rank), and some you will only need for a certain number.
At the end of the main story of Horizon Forbidden West , as always, the open world will be available in all its features, a free exploration that will allow you to dedicate yourself to what you want, when you want, and maybe recover trophies. Also after the end you will have a particular type of mount that will allow you to reach some collectibles very easily. So enjoy the game by completing the activities that are proposed to you in complete freedom , while always trying to keep a level high enough to face the various challenges that the story will put in front of you.
Some trophies, however, require that you complete specific side quests , and that you collect a certain number of collectibles (not all of them), so for each trophy later we will describe the conditions to obtain it or what you need to collect. You can also leave these tasks for the endgame.
ATTENTION , however, to the only MISSABLE TROPHY : these are all types of scanned machines : there are in fact two types of machines that DO NOT spawn within the game mode normally, and that will only be encountered during certain story missions: the Specter and the Specter Prime (end game boss). Especially the second appears only once in the game, while for the simple Specter you will also have other opportunities. Be careful , if you scan the enemy and then die , you will have to scan him again on the next attempt!
Horizon Forbidden West trophy and platinum guide
Horizon Forbidden West Bronze Trophies
Reached Level 20 – You have reached Player Level 20. | Trophy explained in the description. Do various activities to gain experience and level up. The trophy will unlock when you reach level 20.
Level 30 Reached – You have reached Player Level 20. | Trophy explained in the description. Do various activities to gain experience and level up. The trophy will unlock when you reach level 30.
Fear Achieved – You reached Fear in search of a passage to the Forbidden West. | Trophy linked to history. Impossible to miss.
The road to the embassy – You cleared the road to the embassy and reopened the Fear. | Trophy linked to history. Impossible to miss.
The Embassy – You survived the ambush at the embassy, clearing the way for the Forbidden West. | Trophy linked to history. Impossible to miss.
Base Established – You have established a base of operations and restarted GAIA. | Trophy linked to history. Impossible to miss.
ETHER recovered – Defended Kulrut and recovered ETHER. | Trophy linked to history. Impossible to miss.
POSEIDONE recovered – You have drained Las Vegas and recovered POSEIDONE. | Trophy linked to history. Impossible to miss.
Recovered DEMETRA – You have met the Quen and recovered DEMETRA. | Trophy linked to history. Impossible to miss.
The Beta Rescue – You followed Beta’s distress signal and brought her back to base. | Trophy linked to history. Impossible to miss.
Fate of Faro – You survived Thebes by allying with the Quen. | Trophy linked to history. Impossible to miss.
On the wings of ten – You flew into battle and defeated Regalla. | Trophy linked to history. Impossible to miss.
Choose a Desert Commander – You assisted Drakka and Yarra and picked the best candidate. | To get this trophy you will have to complete three specific side missions that you can get in the Arrowhand camp. These are ” Sete di Caccia “, ” The wound in the sand ” and ” The door of the vanquished “.
The Rescue of Fear – You have solved all the problems that plagued Fear. | Trophy obtained after completing four specific secondary missions in Fear (the first area you will encounter, north-east of the world map. These missions are ” Shadows from the past “, ” A shadow to the West “, ” The way of twilight ” and “ Gli Scavazanna “.
Help for Kotallo – You helped Kotallo build and test his mechanical arm. | Trophy obtained by completing the secondary mission of Kotallo ” What was lost “.
Healed Terranumi – You helped Zoos restart the Terranumi to save Cantopur. | You will get it by helping Zo by completing a specific secondary mission, or ” The second verse “.
Data for Alva – Helped Alva retrieve the data the Quen needed. | To get the trophy you will have to complete the specific secondary mission ” Forbidden legacy “.
First Override on Collolungo – You have climbed a Collolungo and accessed its information. | Trophy explained in the description. You will find the first Collolungo in the central part of the first large zone of the Forbidden West (the Utaru territory), but the trophy will unlock when you climb and override any one. Here is our guide on all the Collilunghi .
First Rebel Camp Completed – Completed the main objectives of 1 Rebel Camp | Trophy explained in the description. Each camp will have different conditions to be completed, but very often it will also involve eliminating all the enemies present. You will find the objectives in the menu dedicated to missions. All you need to do is complete any camp to earn this trophy. Here’s our complete guide to all Rebel camps and outposts .
First Core Override – Reached the core of a Cauldron and accessed its information. | Self-explanatory trophy, find a Cauldron, reach the central terminal overcoming the various obstacles, and perform the Override. Here is the guide to all the Calderoni .
3 Badges Obtained in a Hunting Ground – Collected at least a quarter badge in all three Hunting Ground Challenges. | Trophy explained in the description. Just complete all three challenges of any hunting ground, just get the lowest rank . If you need help, here’s our complete guide to all hunting grounds and challenges .
All Acquisition Machines Killed – Killed at least one of each type of Acquisition Machine. | There are total 18 types of machines for this category. As per description, kill one of each to get the trophy. These are: Cervavito – Scavenger – Sweeper – Longnose – Plow – Ferrariete – Cornaguzze – Scavazanna – Spinocero – Grandifauci – Smeriglio – Celermorso – Furrow – Tailtail – Rockbreaker – Wavebreaker – Ice claw – Rogeclaw.
All Recon Machines Killed – Killed at least one of each Recon Machine type. | There are 5 types of cars belonging to this category, but only 4 of these are needed for the trophy (the other type is the Collolungo): Foraterra – Fendinubi – Longipede – Red-eye Lookout.
All Fighting Machines Killed – Killed at least one of each Fighting Machine type. | There are a total of 15 types of machines in this category: Windbreaker – Corruptor – Stalker – Bloodhorn – Reaver – Alabestia – Shell Shell – Storm Rider – Thunder Devourer – Hound – Aspident – Tremorzanna – Death Spin – Specter – Specter Prime.
All Transport Machines Killed – Killed at least one of each transport machine type. | There are 5 types of machines belonging to this category: Whiptail – Manticerio – Arcapode – Giraguscio – Colossus.
Rode any normal mount – Rides a Ferrariete, Scavazanna, and Squarciavento. | Trophy explained in the description. Remember to first unlock the overrides you need inside the IOTA and TAU Cauldrons , then perform it on a wild machine and ride it. Here’s our guide to all mounts , normal and flying, and all cauldrons .
Complete a long glide – Glides continuously for 60 seconds. | Trophy explained in the description. If you don’t unlock it during the game, even if there are many points to jump from, you can use a flying mount to reach a point high and jump, to get to the ground gliding.
Completed Two Flying Mount Missions – Completed 2 missions requiring a flying mount. | There are 4 missions in the game that require a flying mount, but to get the trophy you only need to complete 2. The flying mounts will automatically unlock towards the end of the story. The missions that can be completed for the trophy are “Case in Point”, “First to Fly”, “Way Home” and “Tides of Justice”. Here is our guide to all mounts , normal and flying.
2 races won – You finished first in two different races. | Trophy explained in description. There are 4 races in the game, but it will be enough to reach first place in any two to get the trophy. But first you must win the race located in the valley southwest of the base (Dry Yearn), once you have done that, the others will unlock. Here is our guide to all the race tracks .
Series of Recovery Agreements Completed – You have completed all of a vendor’s recovery contracts. | These types of contracts are marked on the map by blue diary pages (like all activities not yet completed). The first of these you will find shortly after the plain where you faced the Regalla ambush at the beginning of the Lost West during the embassy, in a small Oseram camp, it is defined on the map as being from the Arid Light zone. You will also find others in Greenswell, Sands Still and Tracciapioggia. These vendors will also have lower costs for raw materials and will be able to sell you legendary pieces.
Completed 4 Rebel Outposts – Defeated the Boss and recovered Dog Tags from 4 Rebel Outposts. | The map contains the beauty of 17 rebel outposts, which are nothing more than the “smaller” version of the rebel camps. To deem it completed and make it green on the map, you will have to kill the leader and collect the loot from his body. Here’s our complete guide to all Rebel camps and outposts .
Completed 3 Relic Ruins – Discovered and completed 3 Relic Ruins. | These are areas where you will have to solve puzzles and collect relics, a type of collectible. Some of them can only be completed with a certain type of equipment, so sometimes you will have to retrace your steps. Complete 3 to get the trophy. Here is our complete guide to the Relic Ruins .
Arena Challenge Set Completed – Completed an Arena Challenge Set. | Self-explanatory trophy. Challenges of this type will unlock after mission 9.
Mechanical Knockout Players Defeated – Won a match against 2 different Mechanical Knockout players. | You will learn how to play Mechanical Batosta and get the first pieces in the central building in Aspracatena nel Fear. It is a minigame present in Horizon Forbidden West, a boardgame where you will use figurines (which you can also buy, sell or have created) from the features of the machines in the game. If you defeat two different challengers in this game, you will get the trophy. Here is our guide dedicated to Mechanical Batosta .
All Weapon Classes Earned – Collected 1 weapon of each class. | Very simple trophy to obtain and explained in the description. These are all types of weapons in the game, in total 9: Hunting Bow – War Bow – Precision Bow – Trap Launcher – Rope Launcher – Tearing Gloves – Spike Launcher – Tank Launcher – Explosive Slingshots.
All Elemental States Inflicted – You have inflicted all elemental states on an enemy at least once. | There are 6 types of elemental statuses: to inflict them you have to repeatedly hit a car with the desired element, or always hit a weak point with it to make it explode and create an elemental chain reaction. Weapons that have this type of damage are very common. The effects are: Ice – Acid – Fire – Water – Electricity – Plasma.
Performed 3 Melee Combos – Performed 3 different unlockable melee combos. | These combos can be unlocked from the ‘Warrior’ skill tree. Unlock three different ones and use them to get the trophy. Some of these will be essential to unlock all challenges in the Melee Pits and complete them .
Stealth kill on 10 cars – Performed a stealth kill on 10 cars. | You will only be able to kill small cars in one fell swoop, however there will be many from the very early stages of the game onwards. Press the square button to move silently and use the tall grass to avoid being noticed (if the enemy is alerted it will not count towards the trophy). You will probably unlock it without even realizing it, easier done than said.
100 Detached Components – You have detached 100 components from machines. | Another trophy that will be unlocked almost without realizing it. Use the focus to scan the cars and find the weak spots, then hit them with your bow to be more precise. Some parts of the machines are easier to hit than others, both because of their location and their size (batteries, antennas, horns, and so on). Getting to 100 won’t be difficult.
5 Heavy Weapons Collected – Collected 5 different Heavy Weapons. | ATTENTION : to get this trophy only the weapons that you detach yourself from the machines will count, so those collected from the ground or in possession of humans are not good. You can detach them from certain fighting machines, such as the good old Thunder Devourer.
Override 10 different types of cars – Unlocked and override 10 different types of cars. | To get this trophy it will be important to complete the various cauldrons within the map, so he knows how to unlock the Overrides (here is our guide to the cauldrons ). Perform it on 10 different types of machines, perhaps the most docile one for convenience, and you will unlock the trophy.
Defeated the Indomitable – Defeated the hand-to-hand combat master Tenakth known as the Indomitable. | Complete all 4 Melee Pits, then follow the quest “The Untameable” to challenge the Master. Remember that in order to challenge him and complete the Melee Pits you must have unlocked all the melee skills in the Warrior skill tree. Here is our guide to skills and talents and the one to all challenges in the Melee Pits and completing them .
Valiant Charge Fully Upgraded – You have fully upgraded one Valiant Charge. | These are passive perks that can be activated from the skill tree menu. They are represented as large circles, and to be unlocked they require the unlocking of three other linked perks. Once done, accumulate and use the skill points to bring it to the maximum level. Here’s our guide to skills and talents .
3 Upgraded Weapons – Fully upgraded 3 weapons. | You can easily unlock this trophy by upgrading uncommon weapons (green rarity). To upgrade them you will need a workbench, but above all specific materials for each level.
3 Upgraded Suits – Fully upgraded 3 different outfits. | You can easily unlock this trophy by upgrading uncommon outfits (green rarity). To do this you will need a workbench and the materials necessary to level it up.
All Pouch Types Upgraded – You have upgraded bags of food, potions, resources, traps, and one type of ammo at least once. | Trophy explained in the description. You can upgrade the bags at each workbench, but you will need the materials to do so. Some of these will be easier to obtain than others. Often these are animal bones and skins, so always look around for them using the focus, especially to find smaller ones like squirrels or birds. To unlock the Bag of Food and the Potions Bag, buy a plate and a potion (you can already do this in Aspracatena after you have “restarted” the city).
Upgraded Weapon with Coils – You have equipped a weapon of any level with 2 Coils. | To do this you will need a weapon of blue rarity or better (because you will need at least two empty slots for the reels). These can be applied to weapons at any time, but they must be compatible with the weapon itself. You can find them in several ways within the game world. To make them equipable in your weapons, you will need to upgrade them to unlock the slots that the weapon can make available (the slots have a circular shape, but with a lock or an X if they are still unusable).
3 Weapon Skills Unlocked – Unlocked a skill for 3 different weapon classes. | You can find the weapon techniques in the skill tree, and they are the medium sized icons that you will find in the various branches. Be careful to unlock them for 3 different categories, to get the trophy. Of course you will need the usual skill points.
5 different collectibles recovered – Completed a Scout Drone, a Black Box, a Ruin of Relics, a Lookout Tower and a Surveillance Tower. | You will only need one collectible of each type. Here are our dedicated guides: Panoramic Towers – Relic Ruins – Reconnaissance Drones – Black Boxes – Signal Towers .
Dye Flowers Used – Unlocked and applied a dye using the dye flowers. | There is a special type of merchant, precisely the dyer, where you can change the color of your clothes using flowers found around the world. There are three dyers throughout the game (one for example can be found in Cantopuro).
Horizon Forbidden West silver trophies
Level 50 Reached – You have reached Player Level 50. | Trophy explained in the description, complete activities to gain experience and level up. The trophy will unlock when you reach the maximum level, precisely 50.
Override on all Long Hills – You have climbed all Long Hills and accessed their information. | Trophy explained in the description. Find all the Collilunghi on the map, find a way to scale them, and override each one to get information about the manned area. Here is our guide on all the Collilunghi .
Defeat Asera – Investigate all Rebel Camps and help Erend defeat Asera. | Trophy explained in the description. Here’s our complete guide to all Rebel camps and outposts .
Override All Cores – Reached the core of all Cauldrons and accessed their information. | Trophy explained in the description. The Calderoni will be marked on the map, you can find them easily by taking advantage of the override on Collilunghi. Complete all the Cauldrons to get the trophy.
3 Badges obtained in all Hunting Grounds – Obtained at least a quarter badge in all three Challenges of all Hunting Grounds. | Trophy explained in the description. Just complete all three challenges of all hunting grounds (12 challenges in total in 4 different terrains), just get the lowest rank . If you need help, here is our complete guide to all hunting grounds .
All Types of Machines Tested – You have encountered and tested all types of machines with the Focus. | MISSABLE . Trophy explained in the description, there are a total of 43 different types of cars in the game. To find all types of cars, the map will help you , which will indicate the various areas populated by the various species. If you are not going to explore in an extreme way right away, the advice is to leave this trophy as one of the last. In the appropriate game menu there will be a bestiarywhere all the machines you have discovered and scanned will be marked, but also “holes with the ones you are missing”, in this way it will be easier to keep track of progress and not run in circles. ATTENTION: many species have variants , however it is not necessary to scan them all, one per species will suffice.
Completed Skill Set – Learned all available skills in a set. | Trophy explained in the description. The skill points needed to unlock the various nodes of the skill tree are obtained by leveling up, thus gaining experience, but also as a reward for certain missions completed or activities completed: in short, the more you do, the more you will have available points to unlock the skills in the various nodes. Our guide to Aloy ‘s talents and skills may be of great use to you.
Horizon Forbidden West Gold Trophies
Nemesis Discovered – You ended the Zenith threat and discovered Nemesis. | Trophy linked to history. Impossible to miss.
Platinum trophy
All Trophies Collected – Collected all trophies in Horizon Forbidden West. | As always in these cases, you will get it after getting all the other trophies in the game.
Hoping that our guide to Horizon Forbidden West trophies and platinum has been of help to you, in addition to all the others attached, and we refer you for any type of content or information also to the game card of the title.
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