Horizon Forbidden West has just come out and obviously there are many challenges that the game will submit to you: how to get out of it unscathed? Well, just follow this guide! Let’s start from the base: what are the Ruins of the Relics? These are places scattered throughout the game world, obviously we are talking about ruins so do not be surprised if you will find elements of the “past” world covered with shrubs, lianas and how much more abandoned there is.
There are many, so do not despair : you will have to dedicate time to the resolution of each one but without haste, since some of these ruins are in fact not completable if not by following the main story of Horizon Forbidden West which will allow you to unlock specific gadgets and abilities , designed to give you the opportunity to complete the puzzles or enigmas that the ruin of the moment puts in front of you.
Let’s find out more about the Relic Ruins in Horizon Forbidden West
What is the purpose of completing these relic ruins one hundred percent? Completing this game challenge to the maximum you will get a trophy and also the reward for each completed ruin will be a specific ornament for Aloy  and other prizes that will change from time to time.
“How do I know when the time is right to embark on this series of challenges, knowing that I have all the weapons and skills at my disposal?” Just follow the main story and unlock the dedicated items to access each location, such as the power-ups for Flame Splendor and Metal Flowers . Are you already worrying about how and where to get these two upgrades? Nothing could be simpler than following this guide for the first upgrade and this one for the second ! We also recommend that you consult our guide to door codes to have the job easier in many cases during your adventure, you can find it here .
Ruin of the Relic 1: The Fear
Start from the north, use the grappling hook to move the crate, move it around the building and use it to climb up. Go left, and enter the second room: here use the grappling hook again to open the fan and reveal the door code using the scan (on a technological device on the ground).
Use the crate to enter the fan, follow the climb, open the cracks in the wall with the grappling hook and continue, so you can find the collectible.
Ruin of the Relic 2: No Man’s Land
Here the main puzzle will be to use the crate to place the battery on it so that, once charged, it can pass over the water without touching it. Do this puzzle, go ahead unlocking the various doors with the batteries, and you will solve everything.
Ruin of the Relic 3: Restless Forest
Start from the northeast, use the trolley, have it move backwards so that you can change the tracks and move it forward. Then use it to climb the wall to find the key module. Shoot the lock, go forward and get to the door that asks for the code (1923). In front of it you will find some flashlights, then use the lever to make the cart move again.
Once moved, use it again to climb and find the collectible.
Ruin of the Relic 4: Dry Lust
Here too you will find some riddles related to the grapple: use it to move the various levers, so you can unlock by advancing the path. In this case there will also be a trolley to move, but it will be simpler.
Ruin of Relic 5: The Still Sands
Start from the north of the ruin, advance and climb, detonate the flashlight and retrieve the chest (it will be your friend throughout the ruin). You will have to play a lot with the grappling hook to move it in and out of the water.
Ruin of the Relic 6: Lair of the Fugitive
Here, too, there will be flashlights to detonate and crates to move, although in this case the puzzle also provides for the management of the crate on several floors. Once up, you will find the key module, and you can open the door (but to do this, first you will have to place the two stacked crates in front of the crack in the wall).
Ruin of Relic 7: The Long Coast
As before, but this time the box will be moved via the elevator. As you advance you will also need to manage the battery to open the door, and once inside you can climb to get to the top. Once done, take advantage of the glide, detonate yet another flashlight, take the crate and put it together with the other in the elevator and bring them up.
I remind you that inside the lift there will be a grapple to use; in the end you will have the elevator on the top floor, a crate in the elevator, one on the roof of the elevator. Climb on the crate, go up to the roof of the elevator, then on the second crate and jump on the handholds.
Ruin of Relic 8: Isle of Spiers
Last real ruin, it will be necessary to use everything that has been learned before, as well as a code joined by two datapoints (2109109). For the rest, you will find the relative collectible inside the floor with the door.
Ruin of Relic 9: Lights in the Night
This will be automatically collectible by doing the Lights in the Night quest.
Having taken all the relics, talk to Stemmur in Ember and each relic will give you a different animation of the night sky inside the desert area.
In Horizon Forbidden West we will take Aloy as well as the discovery of the ruins of the relics, towards the unexplored lands of the Forbidden West (as per the title) where our brave heroine will encounter known threats and others never seen before. We remind you that all the information and guides on the game can be found here . If you haven’t read our game review yet, you can find it here instead .
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