There are ten types of weapons in the game and in the course of this Horizon Forbidden West guide we will see what they are, where they are and what characteristics they possess: including Lance , Hunting bow , War bow , Precision bow , Trap-launcher , Rope-launcher . , Tearing Gloves , Spike Launchers , Explosive Slingshots .
We remind you that in some places the guide may contain spoilers on Horizon Forbidden West, and we therefore advise you to continue with caution.
Each of the weapons in Horizon Forbidden West , as detailed in this guide, has different rarity classes ranging from uncommon in green to legendary highlighted in orange: each weapon has different elemental properties and uses different bullets. Most of the weapons can be purchased from the Merchant while a small number of the latter can be optioned through specific missions or once you have reached the maximum of a collection of specific objects.
The legendary weapons of Horizon Forbidden West are obviously the most performing and to power the weapons you will need to create the suitable ammunition that for the legendary ones you pass only with the purchase from the Wild Smugglers.
Let’s discover the weapons of Horizon Forbidden West in this guide
Spears (Melee Weapons)
- Champion’s Lance ( Rare ): Automatically obtained during the 2nd main mission: “The Tip of the Spear” – Objective: “Modify your spear”.
Hunting Bow
- Fire Hunting Bow ( Uncommon ): Purchased from a Hunter (merchant) in Aspracatena (127 metal shards + 1 Scavazanna circulator )
- Illuminated Hunting Bow ( Rare ): Purchased from a Hunter (merchant) at Cantopur’s hunting ground (632 metal fragments + 1 Windbreaker circulator )
- Sharp Hunting Bow ( Rare ): Purchased from a Hunter (merchant) in Cantopur (549 Metal Fragments + 1 Windbreaker circulator )
- Frost Hunting Bow ( Rare ): Purchased from a Hunter (merchant) at the Monti Costaripida hunting ground (549 metal fragments + 1 scavenger circulator )
- Water Hunting Bow ( Rare ): Purchased from a Hunter (merchant) at The Rain Track Hunting Grounds (632 metal fragments + 1 Hornbeam Circulator )
- Fire Hunting Bow ( Rare ): Purchased from a Hunter (merchant) in the Jaws of the Arena (549 metal shards + 1 Spinocero circulator )
- Vanguard Hunting Bow ( Very Rare ): Purchased from a Hunter (merchant) outside the base (1437 Metal Fragments, 1 Wave Breaker Circulator , 1 Large Machine Core)
- Relentless Hunting Bow ( Very Rare ): Purchased from a Hunter (merchant) outside the base (1062 Metal Fragments, 1 Furrow Circulator, 1 Large Machine Core)
- Incendiary Hunting Bow ( Very Rare ): Purchased from a Hunter (merchant) outside the base (1437 Metal Fragments, 1 Arcapode Circulator , 1 Large Machine Core)
- Marshal’s Hunting Bow ( very rare ): purchased from Dukkah (Master of Prizes) at the Maw of the Arena (84 hunting medals)
- Shadow of the Death Seeker ( Legendary ): Purchased from Dukkah (Master of Prizes) at Jaws of the Arena (80 Arena Medals)
- Scourge of the Sun ( Legendary ): Complete all 5 rebel camps on the map. Then unlock a sixth secret rebel camp called “First Forge”, follow it to Missions> Rebel Camps and you’ll get a waypoint to talk to Erend. Go ahead and get the mission to go to the 6th and final Rebel Camp. At the end of the Rebel Camp, you fight a boss named Asera, who drops this legendary bow
War Bow
- Warbow (Uncommon): Purchased from a Hunter (merchant) in Aspracatena ( 149 metal fragments )
- Electric Warbow ( Uncommon ): Obtained by talking to the manager at the Hunt Camps of Fear.
- Swift Warbow ( Uncommon ): Purchased from a Hunter (merchant) in Burning Light (149 Metal Shards)
- Acid Warbow ( Rare ): Purchased from a Hunter (merchant) at the Carja camp (549 Metal Fragments + 1 Zane Scavenger Circulator )
- Cutting Warbow ( Rare ): Purchased from a Hunter (merchant) at the Carja camp (467 metal fragments + 1 Emery circulator )
- Frost Warbow ( Rare ): Purchased from a Hunter (Merchant) in Ardent Lance (632 Metal Shards, 1 Hornbeam Circulator )
- Melee Warbow ( Rare ): Purchased from a Hunter (Merchant) in Burning Sun (549 Metal Shards, 1 Windbreak Elemental Circulator )
- Deathrattle Warbow ( Very Rare ): Purchased from a Hunter (merchant) outside the base (1437 Metal Shards, 1 Death Spinning Circulator , 1 Large Machine Core)
- Renegade Warbow ( Very Rare ): Purchased from a Hunter (merchant) outside the base (1249 Metal Fragments, 1 Death Spinning Circulator , 1 Large Machine Core)
- The Ruin of the Carja ( legendary ): reward for completing all 4 race tracks ( guide here ). After the last one a legendary chest will spawn which you can loot for this bow
- Frost Slingshot ( uncommon ): automatically obtained during the first main mission: “Reach for the stars” – Objective: “Search the ancient ruins for a GAIA backup”
- Explosive Slingshot ( Uncommon ): Purchased from a Hunter (merchant) in Burning Light (149 metal shards + 1 Spinocero circulator )
- Siege Slingshot ( Rare ): Purchased from a Hunter (Merchant) in Flamer Launcher (632 Metal Shards, 1 Ravager’s Circulator)
- Slingshot of Fire and Ice ( Rare ): Purchased from a Hunter (merchant) in the Maw of the Arena (467 Metal Shards + 1 Windbreak Circulator )
- Acid Slingshot ( very rare ): purchased from a Hunter (merchant) outside the base (1437 metal fragments, 1 Manticerius circulator , 1 large machine core)
- Bastion Slingshot ( very rare ): Purchased from Dukkah (Master of Prizes) at the Maw of the Arena (54 hunting medals)
- Wings of the Ten ( legendary ): reward for collecting all 12 black boxes ( guide here ). Once you have all of them, exchange them for the 12 crafting materials with Black Box Collector Untalla at the Memory Wood . You then get the Legendary Blastslings after swapping all 12 black boxes. If not, talk to her again and select the swap option again, she should then trigger the dialogue for finding all the black boxes.
Precision Bows
- Precision Bow ( Uncommon ): Purchased from a Hunter (merchant) in Aspracatena (127 Metal Shards + 1 Circular Magazine)
- Slaying Precision Bow ( Uncommon ): Purchased from a Hunter (Merchant) in Barren Light (149 Metal Shards + 1 Gore Circulator )
- Precision Slash Bow ( Rare ): Automatically obtained during the 8th main mission: “The Shattered Sky” – Objective: “Talk to Dekka”.
- Sturdy Sniper Bow ( Rare ): Purchased from a Hunter (merchant) in the Cantopur Hunting Grounds (549 Metal Fragments + 1 Grazer Circulator). Alternatively, purchased from a Hunter at Carja Camp.
- Marksmanship Bow ( Rare ): Purchased from a Hunter (merchant) in The Bulwark (632 metal shards, 1 Windbreaker circulator )
- Delta Precision Bow ( Very Rare ): Purchased from a Hunter (merchant) outside the base (1249 metal fragments, 1 jaw circulator, 1 large machine core)
- Flame Precision Bow ( very rare ): purchased from a Hunter (merchant) at The Raintrace hunting ground (1035 metal fragments + 1 Thunderjaw circulator, 1 large machine core)
- Guardian’s Precision Bow ( Very Rare ): Purchased from Dukkah (Master of Prizes) at The Maw of the Arena (54 hunting medals)
- Forge Quencher ( Legendary ): Purchased from Dukkah (Master of the Awards at the Maw of the Arena (80 Arena Medals)
Trap Launcher
- Electric Trap Launcher ( uncommon ): automatically obtained during the 3rd main quest: “To The Brink” – Objective: “Find Erend”.
- Explosive Trap Launcher ( Uncommon ): Purchased from a Hunter (merchant) in the Hunt Camps of Dread (149 metal shards)
- Fire Trap Launcher ( rare ): purchased from a Hunter (merchant) in No Man’s Land (549 metal shards + 1 Fanghorn circulator)
- Light Trap Launcher ( rare ): purchased from a Hunter (merchant) in the Jaws of the Arena (632 metal fragments + 1 Slitherfang circulator)
- Flame Trap Launcher ( very rare ): purchased from a Hunter (merchant) outside the base (1249 metal fragments, 1 Sunflower circulator, 1 Slitherfang circulator)
- Tinker’s Pride ( Legendary ): Reward for completing all Hunting Ground Trials with maximum scores ( guide here )
- Impacting Spike Launcher ( Uncommon ): Reward for completing all 4 Arid Light Recovery Contracts
- Explosive Spike Launcher ( Rare ): Purchased from a Hunter (merchant) in The Bulwark (467 Metal Shards, 1 Windbreak Circulator )
- Fiery Spike Lance ( rare ): purchased from a Hunter (merchant) in the Maw of the Arena (549 metal shards + 1 Longnose circulator )
- Pulverizer Spike Launcher ( very rare ): purchased from a Hunter (merchant) outside the base (1062 metal fragments, 1 Sunflower circulator, 1 large machine core)
- Flame Spike Launcher ( very rare ): purchased from Dukkah (Master of Prizes) at the Maw of the Arena (54 hunting medals)
- Sky Smash ( Legendary ): Reward for “The Way Home” side quest, started from Legacy Landing
- Electric Bolt Scale ( rare ): purchased from a Hunter (Merchant) in Thrower (549 metal shards, 1 Plow circulator )
- Explosive Bolt-Scale ( rare ): purchased from a Hunter (merchant) at the Bastion (549 metal fragments, 1 Solcasole circulator)
- Plasma Bolt-Scale ( rare ): purchased from a Hunter (merchant) in the hunting grounds of the Costaripida Mountains (549 metal fragments + 1 Solcasole circulator)
- Relentless Dart Scale ( very rare ): purchased from Dukkah (Prize Master) at the Maw of the Arena (54 hunting medals)
- Ice Bolt Scavenger ( very rare ): purchased from a Hunter (merchant) outside the base (1437 metal fragments, 1 Manticerium circulator , 1 large machine core)
- Altaforgia (Legendary): Purchased from Dukkah (Master of Prizes) at the Maw of the Arena (80 Arena Medals)
Rope Launcher
- Rope Launcher ( Uncommon ): Purchased from a Hunter (merchant) in Camps of Fear (149 metal shards)
- Tank Launcher ( Rare ): Purchased from a Hunter (merchant) at Kantopur’s Hunting Grounds (549 Metal Fragments + 1 Tracking Digger Circulator)
- Anchor Launcher ( Rare ): Purchased from a Hunter (merchant) in Burning Lance (632 metal shards + 1 Manticerium circulator )
- Elite Rope Launcher ( very rare ): purchased from a Hunter (merchant) outside the base (1249 metal shards, 1 Windbreaker circulator , 1 large machine core)
Tearing Glove
- Poisonous Slashing Gauntlet ( Rare ): Purchased from a Hunter (Merchant) in Fiery Spear (549 Metal Shards, 1 Sunflower Circulator)
- Piercing Rending Gauntlet ( Rare ): Purchased from a Hunter (Merchant) in Thrower (632 Metal Fragments, 1 Longnose Circulator )
- Sharp Tearing Glove ( rare ): Purchased from a Hunter (merchant) in the Hunting Grounds of the Costaripida Mountains (467 metal fragments + 1 Whiptail circulator ). Alternatively, purchased from a Burning Light Hunter
- Thunder Rending Gauntlet ( very rare ): Purchased from a Hunter (merchant) at the Rainpath Hunt Grounds (1249 Metal Fragments + 1 Behemoth Circulator, 1 Large Machine Core)
- Return of the Ancestor ( Legendary ): Reward from the Lights in the Night commission. After the mission, loot the chest behind the objective vendor (also requires completing all 8 other relic ruins and returning the relics).
In case you missed our review of Horizon Forbidden West we invite you to retrieve it here , while for all the other guides, trivia and insights we recommend you to follow the game here .
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