Homeopathy, how it works
Homeopathy continues to be discussed, but increasingly integrated scenarios are opening up in which space is given to unconventional medicines for the care and well-being of people.

When it comes to homeopathy  , all kinds of comments are unleashed , opinions more or less supported by scientific studies and reviews, interests of all kinds. Perhaps this discipline is one of the few that still manages to generate so many conflicts around the world.
The father of Homeopathy was the German physician Samuel Hahnemann in the mid-1700s, who had the perseverance to deepen Hippocrates’ intuition concerning the ” similia similibus curantur “, the similar cure the similar and with initial empirical evidence on the use of quinine for malaria, right on himself, a healthy subject, he saw that after taking the typical symptoms of malaria appeared.
He then worked programmatically and scientifically on the doses and developed diluted and dynamized remedies to preserve the healing message of the active ingredient and to energetically enhance it with shaking.
Thus he arrived at the preparation of remedies with infinitesimal doses of active ingredient , which today are increasingly specialized and are concerned not only with treating the symptom of the disorder, but above all the ” terrain “, that is the general condition of the patient who contributed to the occurrence of the disease, to correct the imbalances.
Homeopathy, another medicine?
Homeopathy in some countries is among the non-conventional medicines , with the exception of Switzerland which instead, since 2017, has counted it among conventional medicines , France which officially recognized it in 1965, the United Kingdom in 1945, and Germany , Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands.
In Italy, Aifa, the Italian Medicines Agency , has recognized as valid 3,000 homeopathic medicines that should become part of the handbook by the end of 2018, once the related dossiers have been completed.
This is a small success that bodes well for recognition in wider systems and in more and more countries. The spread of homeopathy, of those who treat themselves with homeopathy and of homeopathic doctors is truly vast, and finally in Italy it will also become affordable for everyone.
Of course we are still very far from realities such as France, Germany and Switzerland, where there are real hospitals for integrated medicine , where if the conditions allow it, treatments are put in place in respect of the overall health of the individual, his type and of the psychological sphere, adopting natural remedies, ranging from phytotherapeutic to homeopathic.
Read also Plants for clinical use in homeopathy and phytotherapy >>
The homeopathic doctor
The health figure who exercises the profession of homeopath  must necessarily be a doctor , since in any case we are talking about medicine, conventional or unconventional, and therefore of a “medical act”. But where are homeopaths trained and qualified ?
At the moment in Italy there are no real specialization courses at universities , since homeopathy has not yet been recognized as conventional medicine, but there are masters for pharmacists at the universities of Siena and Bergamo and private ECM accredited schools where they can access graduates in Medicine and Surgery, Pharmacy, Veterinary and Dentistry.
They offer very structured study plans with different training levels to meet the different needs of professionals, from an annual basic path to a more advanced two-year course, to continuous continuing education in integrated medicine. These schools are easily identified with online searches , and provide information about their educational background and teachers.
A curiosity: in France there is a controversial situation, the historic specialization course in Homeopathy at the University of Lille has been suspended and for some years also at the University of Bordeaux, citing reasons linked to the non-evolution of homeopathy with times and its ineffectiveness, but there are many other universities where such courses have been kept active.
Who knows sometimes there are formative involutions or simply interests of another nature to be placed “on the discussion table”.
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