Hi, I want to lose weight, what can I do?

Hi, I want to lose weight, what can I do?

Today I want to write an article that I will then indicate to all those readers who ask me how to lose weight, what diet to do, what training to do to lose weight and so on. This is because many write to me saying “hi, I’m a guy, and I want to lose weight: what do you think I can do?” without considering that answering this question is difficult if not impossible without having a series of data. 
Data that people often underestimate or do not provide, and which cannot be traced back to gender, height and weight.
If I want to lose weight, the first thing I have to consider is that losing weight is not like opening a jar of soup and heating it up: ready-to-eat baby food does not exist, so it will be necessary to commit yourself. But: there is also no time to learn two notions on the fly that could be of great help? Then you should pay a professional or see your doctor, which you should have done first in any case . But: is there a shortage of money? Then it’s back to case one and, in order not to waste any more time, here are the things you need to consider if you want to lose weight but don’t know where to start.

Start here, that is, start by answering these questions yourself.

1) What is roughly my total daily calorie requirement? Do I have an idea of ​​how many calories to eat to stay the same weight? On the internet, just type “calculation of daily calorie needs” to find some formula that allows you to have a rough idea of ​​how much you should eat to maintain weight. Now: if you have been on a diet for a lifetime it is very likely that you will not reach that caloric amount, so you should not stay on a diet further, but try a reverse diet in order to increase your metabolism. Read here on how to do a reverse diet . Conversely, if we eat more, it will be enough to return to our needs to already begin to lose some weight.
Most of the time, we eat more. Even people who say they eat less eat more than they should. So keeping a food diary for a week in which we count the calories of food is the first step to honestly understand how much we are eating.

2) Do I need to exercise? Yes it is. Without a doubt, it is if you want to gain muscle mass. This also tells you what kind of physical activity you need to do. A physical activity that increases muscle mass. In this way you will not have to cut too many calories, on the contrary, and you can keep your metabolism high, improving your body composition: more lean mass, less fat mass.

3) I want to lose weight only a few kilos, can’t I go on any diet? The answer is not: you can’t do it. Sure you can. On this blog there are many diets, and all of them make you lose weight. The point is: if you want to lose weight temporarily or if you want to lose body fat. If you want to lose body fat and have a good metabolism and stay healthy, just any diet is not good, while trying to make small adjustments to your everyday diet may be a better strategy. For example, cutting down on carbohydrates (slightly), trying to eat more natural food because it is more filling and less dense in calories, and so on. It starts with small adjustments to make it work.
Otherwise you diet, lose weight, regain weight and play endlessly. When you gain weight you think of a control or skill problem (I haven’t controlled myself enough / I haven’t been good), but the problem is upstream. Having thought about losing weight by choosing the wrong diet.

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