Here’s why sugar is bad (as well as making you fat)
The damage of sugar, or a diet full of carbohydrates, is often unsuspected. Not only does an excess of sweets and carbohydrates in the diet make you fat in ways we would never think (and which you will read below), but it causes a real intoxication of the body. This is what Anne Alexander, author of “The sugar smart diet” says, or The Sugar Smart Diet: Stop Cravings and Lose Weight While Still Enjoying the Sweets You Love! by Alexander, Anne, VanTine, Julia (2013) Hardcover ,
a book, unfortunately only in English, which teaches how to have a “sweet life” without sugar and what problems a life that is too sugary gives instead. Let’s see them together: – it fattens the internal organs: it does an excess of fructose that does not come from fruit, but from sugars and syrups;
– increases the cardiovascular risk and high blood pressure: you should not exceed more than 20 grams of sugar for women and 36 for men per day for these reasons.
– makes blood cholesterol levels unstable: it seems that more sugar raises bad cholesterol levels in the blood, because it involuntarily stimulates our body to produce more.
– it is addictive:sugar acts like a drug, creating a tolerance for us and pushing us to want more. When we have sugar drops, they are caused by excess sugar in the diet. Sugar causes, in order: greater hunger attacks, greater drops in energy during the day, irritability and depression (they drop when we eat sugar, they return after half an hour).
What to do? Cut out sugars by eliminating hidden sugars and giving up the sweet taste in at least one daily thing, like coffee or tea. Choose low-glycemic foods and eat more fruit, the only healthy source of fructose. In this article of mine I find a list of foods with a low glycemic index.
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