Here’s what to do to lose weight easily

Here’s what to do to lose weight easily

beautyA foreign company that deals with online fitness and diet applications has done a survey of its consumers to find out what people who manage to lose weight do differently compared to those who cannot , fail or give up. The results of this survey partly confirm what was already known about diets and healthy habits to lose weight , but if we want to establish what to do to lose weight easily, if there are any particular tricks that can help us, if apart from the diet they exist strategies that are winning or better than others, we just have to take a look at what they discovered here:
– 75 percent of people who lost weight planned meals to eat, that isnever improvised with the first thing i

the fridge – most people who lost weight ate little and often , having at least two snacks and three main meals
– most people who lost weight had their own weekly exercise and physical activity
– the majority of people who lost weight were helped by 11 percent more friends and family or their partner .
– those who lost weight slept eight percent more
– most people who lost weight ate breakfast in the morning with 30 percent more food and drank 33 percent more water.
foods that made the participants lose weight: foods with fiber, fruits and vegetables, low-calorie and low-fat foods
– all participants who lost weight decreased the amount of sugar by 12 percent.
Can we derive useful information for us based on how others lose weight and what works?

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