Here comes “Mr Kitchen & Miss Diet”, the program on diets

Here comes “Mr Kitchen & Miss Diet”, the program on diets

Antonio Marchello, chef
Maria Papavasileiou, nutritionist

Good food and the need to stay in shape seem to be two irreconcilable worlds: how many, for example, love to cook, and suffer from the idea of ​​being on a diet, often getting depressed with faded recipes, without imagination and without taste? From today apparently we will have one more ally to reconcile health, diet and good food in a single world: that of ” Mr Kitchen & Miss Diet “, a live streaming program, which from this Tuesday 19 May at 21.30 will treat the world of various diets and diets to offer ideas, advice, curiosities, explanations and, why not, even help in the kitchen to improve both the nutritional and culinary aspects of those who want to stay fit.
The protagonists of this curious program are two: Mr. Kitchen is the chefAntonio Marchello , journalist, author and personal chef, as well as a cooking consultant on the web and for TV, restaurants, companies and individuals; Miss Kitchen, on the other hand, is Dr. Maria Papavasileiou , the most famous nutritionist on the web,  expert in vegetarian and vegan nutrition, dietician, whose Facebook page, Personalized Diet , is followed by more than half a million users. Together, these two professionals will help us in the impossible mission of losing weight with taste and will show us the stories of those who made it!
Tune in every Tuesday evening by clicking on “streaming” from the  Mr Kitchen & Miss Diet website  and following the instructions to see the episodes from their facebook page .

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